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Canned peaches with whipped cream Yummy

I just tried canned sliced peaches (Packed in juice/ drained) with spray whipped cream for dessert last night. It was so good lol. Nice and easy dessert out of a can.
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Felina · F Best Comment
Mmhmm … defo a naughty kinda yummy tho right 😌😏😍
Penny · 46-50, F
@Felina yeah sadly not all the time lol
Felina · F
Haha 😌💋@Penny

Got a Crock Pot or Instant Pot? Pour the can of peaches in the cooker on the bottom...juice and all.. Sprinkle a little cinnamon on top of the peaches. Open and pour a white boxed cake mix on top. DO NOT STIR. Then cut up 3/4 a stick of butter into pats and lay then on top of the cake mix. AGAIN.....DO NOT STIR.

Turn on cooker or Crock Pot on high until cake mix is cooked thru....check with a toothpick.

Scoop into bowls...........Put some whipped cream on top of that. ;-)

Works with cherry pie filling.........apple pie filling..........
Lilymoon · F
@anythingoes477 also how long for and at high or low? 😀
@Lilymoon How long? Hard one. Depending on Crock Pot or Insta Pot....brands...how old it is...etc....i can tell you what the recipe says. 2 to 6 hours on high. I look thru the glass lid at about 2 hours and if the white or yellow cake is good and brown on top. .then i open the lid and use a toothpick to see if the cake is done. For my pot ...about 2 hours on high......
Lilymoon · F
@anythingoes477 ok thanks
come2gether · 46-50, M
Peaches come in a can, they were put there by a man, in a factory dowwwnn towwwwnnn...
exexec · 70-79, C
Since I grew up in the middle of peach country, I won't eat canned peaches, but I do like our fresh frozen peaches with whipped cream.
Penny · 46-50, F
@exexec i didnt know you could freeze peaches. ill have to try that. thanks
exexec · 70-79, C
@anythingoes477 The peaches were fresh. We pealed them and froze them in our freezer. We also avoid jumbo shrimp and go for medium shrimp.
exexec · 70-79, C
@Penny Get some "Fruit Fresh" and follow the directions.
Never had canned peaches but I’ve lately taken to getting canned pineapples because I love pineapples but I’m lazy to peak and core them
Penny · 46-50, F
@DisappearingTide i like canned peaches. theyre almost always perfect and have a nice texture. soft but still firm and silky.
@Penny I’m not sure I’ve ever eaten a peach
Penny · 46-50, F
@DisappearingTide fresh peaches have to be perfectly ripe and the right texture. sometimes theyre too hard or too soft or get mealy. canned peaches are more of a sure thing. of course theres worse quality peaches in the can too, gotta get a good quality kind.
smiler2012 · 61-69
[@perry] 🤔thing sound peachy you are living the whipped cream dream lol
Waldorf · 80-89, M
Try the canned peaches warmed in some brandy, then eat with cream.
Canned peaches reminds me of ration boxes in the military
Penny · 46-50, F
@BridgeOvertroubledWaters theyre so silky :) i think theyre yummy and teh whip cream adds an "extra". creamy lol
@Penny silky and whipped cream 🤔
Frostcloud · F

ive had peaches and cottage cheese but whipped cream sounds ✨
Lilymoon · F
Peaches and ice cream 😋
I love them too!
pdockal · 56-60, M
Glad you enjoyed
Better with clotted cream 😋
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Peaches packed in juice. 🤤
Felina · F
Aw thank kindly for the bc lovely Penny 🤗😘☺

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