SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I get occasional rave reviews from my family 🙂
I learned from my grandmother and mother and practised intensively when I went to college (I used hospitality to mask my inadequate social skills).
I know many traditional English and Polish dishes, but my main interest is producing nutritional food efficiently and economically. A basic understanding of home economics can transform the health and productivity of a nation.
I learned from my grandmother and mother and practised intensively when I went to college (I used hospitality to mask my inadequate social skills).
I know many traditional English and Polish dishes, but my main interest is producing nutritional food efficiently and economically. A basic understanding of home economics can transform the health and productivity of a nation.
Adeptlinguist · M
I’m reasonably competent as a home cook.
My mother taught me the absolute basics when I was a child, and since then I’ve learned from books, TV and most recently, YouTube.
I now cook many different cuisines: French, Italian, Chinese, Thai, Indian, Korean etc. See my posts in Food and Drink for examples.
My mother taught me the absolute basics when I was a child, and since then I’ve learned from books, TV and most recently, YouTube.
I now cook many different cuisines: French, Italian, Chinese, Thai, Indian, Korean etc. See my posts in Food and Drink for examples.
BizSuitStacy · M
Most people I've met who cook well, had a passion for it at a young age, and there was usually a mentor...a parent, relative, neighbor, etc. who showed them the ropes. Cookbooks, videos, tv, are alternatives if you don't have a mentor.
Penny · 46-50, F
when i first started learning how to cook, someone told me to try recipes off of the back of products. ive made lots of good stuff that way. i also got a Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. (the big manual type one) my mom always had one and ive never made anything bad from it. easy recipes that dont require fancy ingredients. i still use it for basic stuff. nowadays theres tons of recipes online. so basically im generally a recipe follower. some people liek to cook on the fly but i dont. once you get good then you can tweak them. be careful of online recipes though sometimes they turn out to be a disaster if you follow it exactly. i have a nice cookbook collection too with trusted recipes that ive tried before that came out good. ive since gone to culinary school and learned a lot from there too.
eta- then theres moms recipes too lol. my mom was the best cook.
eta- then theres moms recipes too lol. my mom was the best cook.
bijouxbroussard · F
I learned from my grandmother. I was about eight when she first taught me how to prepare scrambled eggs. As I got older, she taught me some of our traditional dishes, gumbo, étouffée, "Hoppin’ John", beignets for breakfast, etc. I was the only one among my siblings really interested in learning. It’s been a convenient skill to have.
exexec · 70-79, C
My wife is a great cook. She learned some things as a home-ec major in college, but she also learned from my mother, also a good cook.
Justafantasy · M
I'm alright. I know a vegetarian that simply follows the recipes for meat dishes and stuff turns out well
REMsleep · 41-45, F
I'm a good cook and I started cooking as soon as I can remember.
I would start helping my mom and by 7 years old I was cooking some things completely alone like scrambled eggs or mixing up cornbread to put in the oven with no assistance and it just went from there learn the basic step by step.
I would start helping my mom and by 7 years old I was cooking some things completely alone like scrambled eggs or mixing up cornbread to put in the oven with no assistance and it just went from there learn the basic step by step.
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
My Mom was a huge influence, she had thousands of recipes and classic methods.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
I cook well enough.
My mom was a good cook,but I mostly learned by doing.
My mom was a good cook,but I mostly learned by doing.
LifeIsShort · M
I can cook decent.
It's mostly practice following online recipes and youtube videos.
It's mostly practice following online recipes and youtube videos.
Lugwho · 61-69, M
I learnt to cook through necessity when I went to University.
I watched and helped my gran
Sylphrena · 31-35
My mom taught me some, but most of my knowledge came from the internet
sirweighsalot · 22-25, M
Just kind of taught myself through lots of trial and error and willingness to try new things
Shybutwilling2bfriends · 61-69
From my mom the rest is self taught