midnightrose · F
I like the peas and carrots in fried rice so I vote no on your proposition.
UsernameAlreadyInUse · 26-30, M
@midnightrose ok 😂
midnightrose · F
@UsernameAlreadyInUse Look what I had today! They even added some broccoli 😲
I was thinking about it. If you take the peas and carrots out what are you left with? Just...rice. Booooring! In addition to being delicious, peas and carrots add color. But I still respect you liking what you like.
I was thinking about it. If you take the peas and carrots out what are you left with? Just...rice. Booooring! In addition to being delicious, peas and carrots add color. But I still respect you liking what you like.
UsernameAlreadyInUse · 26-30, M
@midnightrose though i dont like broccoli either ( but not seperately in other dish ) if if put in my fried rice im still fine with it no unplatable like mixing with peas and carrot.By the way enjoy your meal,the sauced meat on side looks yummy 🤤
there goes my job
UsernameAlreadyInUse · 26-30, M
@ammelee sorry 😆
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Carrots chopped very finely I'll accept but there also must be char siu and spring onion and either shrimp or chicken or beef. Pork is great but it's already covered with the charsiu. Green peas 🙅
PowerofStories · 61-69, M
Yes! Finally someone who agrees with my life's goal. Not to disqualify chefs, but to remove the offending vegetables.
@PowerofStories And just why are they so offensive, hmmm?
PowerofStories · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 I realize this is subjective, but I just don't like the taste and feel like they t interfere with my enjoyment of the rest of the ingredients.
This may also be due to lingering PTSD from my mother having served me mushy canned peas and carrots as a child. Maybe we can compromise and I'll eat an uncooked carrot on the side on a separate plate.
This may also be due to lingering PTSD from my mother having served me mushy canned peas and carrots as a child. Maybe we can compromise and I'll eat an uncooked carrot on the side on a separate plate.
UsernameAlreadyInUse · 26-30, M
@DailyFlash i do had watched his videos,but the hate for peas and carrot is rooted in me way before.These two thing just taste so weird in rice.
@UsernameAlreadyInUse Then never go to a Chinese restaurant, snowflake
UsernameAlreadyInUse · 26-30, M
@NativePortlander1970 is pathetic some so called a "serious home gourmet" had no ideas how some ingredient taste really dont blend well with other,like pouring salad oil into coffee.I do love fried rice in chinese restaurant with decent chef who know how to cook and knew food combination well and not stubborn chef who pour corn,peas,carrot base on their own preference not customer.
DailyFlash · 56-60, M
I'm guessing you've watched Uncle Roger. lol
4meAndyou · F
Agreed. Fried rice should contain tiny bits of meat, onions, bean sprouts, and not much else. I can see a creative chef adding more veggies, but peas and carrots? Never. Ruins it.
Really · 80-89, M
I detest food snobbery. But so many chefs love the fact that you'll fall for it.
Felina · F
Or green peas in spaghetti bolognaise 😳
@Felina Fine shredded carrot goes better in that.
So then, where did you get your Chef's training, and which restaurants do you have experience in?
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UsernameAlreadyInUse · 26-30, M
@NativePortlander1970 just a joke,take it easy😆 dont you hate these two thing on fried rice?
@UsernameAlreadyInUse As a serious home gourmet I do not see cooking as a joke, carrots and peas are common in fried rice as they are aromatics that nicely adds flavor to it.
UsernameAlreadyInUse · 26-30, M
@NativePortlander1970 as home gourmet dont you have better sense of what ingredient should mix within a dish and that carrot and peas have really wierd taste and texture contrast on fried rice savoury?