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Now this is what a good peaches' kuchen looks and tastes like 🍰🥧🍮

Gluten free, sugar free.

It is low carb since I used home made almonds' flour. Leaving the peel on almonds before grinding gives them a nice nutty flavor in baking. It also has higher fiber and antioxidant content compared to processed flour. And that can help lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation.

The reason why I am making these recipes is to create a menu for people who have chronic illnesses and for myself. Healthy food doesn't have to taste like 📦📦

I also have so much excess fruits.

As expected, the first time I failed because I poured the second mixture while it was still warm. I will post the full recipe in the future. I start everything from scratch except for the stevia which is store bought.
SeaGlass · F
Gluten-free? That's right up my alley. 🥰 I convert recipes with ease, as I have a lot of food intolerances, but I love a recipe that starts out gluten-free.

As usual, you set a gorgeous table!
Primnproper · 56-60, F
That looks great and as a diabetic, perfect! 👌
Would love the recipe sometime, please.
calicuz · 56-60, M
Damn, that looks good. 🤤
Do you like stevia?
@Miram I have also heard that it acts on your body as an appetite stimulant. I am not a doctor though.t
Miram · 31-35, F
@SW-User It is difficult to actually measure appetite correlations. If there is increase weight, it is likely psychological; lot of people tend to over-eat when they believe a recipe is low-carb low sugar forgetting that they still need be careful about the portion
@Miram That makes sense. I don’t have to worry about sugar intake. However, I am careful to monitor how much I do consume.

I try and avoid processed foods..
being · 36-40, F
Now will you stop that 🥺🥺🥺
Miram · 31-35, F
@being i will stop posting kuchen pictures but I plan to make other desserts, sorry :/
being · 36-40, F
@Miram oh no how will I survive!!! I mean they're so good and thank you for posting them....🥺 They're so good that I'm moved just looking at them.
being · 36-40, F
@Miram by how much love you put into them
Crimsondrops · 36-40, M
It looks good but unfortunately for me I have a severe almond allergy
Magenta · F
MmMmm! *salivates*. And I adore that little tea pot. 😍
Yes 🙌 please 🙏 😋
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
That looks so good and food plays such a big role in our health. I would love the recipe when you share it.
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