Pretzel · 61-69, M
I think the increased wages are killing restaurants. People aren't willing to pay the higher prices.
And Amazon and Walmart are doing a number on small business.
I'm guilty of amazoning instead of going to a local store.
And Amazon and Walmart are doing a number on small business.
I'm guilty of amazoning instead of going to a local store.
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TheShanachie · 61-69, M
@LILY61 I generally give a 20% tip and try to do it in cash. If they do anything exceptional I give a bit more. Sometimes if it is a small business I give a bit more also. It has to be a massive failure of service before I reduce the 20%.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@TheShanachie Likewise. And regular "busboys", scullery-type workers who are hard workers, I will slip cash to directly every so often, not trusting that the tips will be shared with them.
helenS · 36-40, F
I order almost anything I need from Amazon, apart from everyday grocery stuff, which I get at Uncle Ernie's. I have a "Prime" account. They are surprisingly swift. I live in the middle of nowhere, and I remember all too well how difficult it was to buy something I need at a store which is 25 miles away from my house, only to find out it's not available and I might try again "at a later time" 🤬
@uikakarotuevegeta not where i live...malls are dead
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
Here is the issue. It doesn't lie with a generation of young people, but with six decades of corporate greed. If you plot average wages and average cost of living, from 1900 to about 1975, they tracked pretty well. Not perfect year to year, but over the long haul, the part of your paycheck that kept you in food and shelter remained fairly steady.
That all changed in the mid 70s. Wages stopped keeping up with cost of living. It has consistently failed to keep up ever since.
At first, this didn't change much. If you were raising a family in the 80s, you were putting just a little bit more of your earnings towards necessities. You could still afford baseball and piano lessons and a family vacation and newer cars. You didn't live much different than your parents.
The problem is, if you are constantly failing short, year over year, the small difference each year compounds. So now, a very large part of earnings go to just food, shelter, and transportation.
I'm in my 40s, no kids, a good paying job. Well above average. And I don't eat out. Why? Because it's a waste of money. I'm trying to save money for my nieces and nephews college. To help them with their first house. Without that generational wealth / generational help, the pathway to success for a kid now compared to a kid 25 and 50 years ago is so much harder. So don't blame the kids. Blame greedy boomers and then greedy Gen-X that just copied the boomers. This may be broken in a way that can't be fixed. At the very least, the fix will be painful and lengthy. 50 years to get here, can't be undone in a year.
That all changed in the mid 70s. Wages stopped keeping up with cost of living. It has consistently failed to keep up ever since.
At first, this didn't change much. If you were raising a family in the 80s, you were putting just a little bit more of your earnings towards necessities. You could still afford baseball and piano lessons and a family vacation and newer cars. You didn't live much different than your parents.
The problem is, if you are constantly failing short, year over year, the small difference each year compounds. So now, a very large part of earnings go to just food, shelter, and transportation.
I'm in my 40s, no kids, a good paying job. Well above average. And I don't eat out. Why? Because it's a waste of money. I'm trying to save money for my nieces and nephews college. To help them with their first house. Without that generational wealth / generational help, the pathway to success for a kid now compared to a kid 25 and 50 years ago is so much harder. So don't blame the kids. Blame greedy boomers and then greedy Gen-X that just copied the boomers. This may be broken in a way that can't be fixed. At the very least, the fix will be painful and lengthy. 50 years to get here, can't be undone in a year.
@RosaMarie i am not blaming them. I was merely asking them. alot of businesses are going out of business due to lack of interest. the generation that is new to the work force spend their money differently than my generation. i was curious as to what they do instead, but as usual it wafts into another direction so i went with it.
and only white males were happy up to 1975...just saying.
we have been on a slow moving train that no body wanted to get off and say "Hey, this is getting worse year after year. i need to do something about it"
now it is too late.
and only white males were happy up to 1975...just saying.
we have been on a slow moving train that no body wanted to get off and say "Hey, this is getting worse year after year. i need to do something about it"
now it is too late.
SethGreene531 · M
Noticed some favorite shops and eateries are gone now.
We've lost a number of shopping malls also, that saw declining business over the last few years.
We've lost a number of shopping malls also, that saw declining business over the last few years.
maskedbandit · 61-69, M
Times are changing as it always has throughout the ages, there is nothing different. Everyone needs to learn how to go with the flow and survive the best way they can. Do not get left behind is the secret. You always have new technologies putting old technologies out to pasture and the old that do survive know how to make the right changes. 'I guess' 🫣 😅
@maskedbandit yeah, but soon everyone will receive what ever THEY want you to receive and eat what they want you to eat. we will be forced to live identically. 1984 just proves how slow we are...we will get their eventually
hunkalove · 61-69, M
There was an Asian restaurant about a block from here that opened two months before the lockdown and managed to survive three years of being closed. A couple weeks ago it closed forever. So sad.
HumanEarth · F
Its all done by design to control the population
I know it sounds wild and crazy
But the internet and cellphones were actually designed to control the population with mind control.
Look we're older and we didn't grow up with this garbage in our hands. We grew up outside playing in mud and playing stick ball.
Don't you see how these business are going under and the one companies are left are Walmart and Amazon
Amazon now ships more then the federal government. Corporation run USA, not the tax payer
I know it sounds wild and crazy
But the internet and cellphones were actually designed to control the population with mind control.
Look we're older and we didn't grow up with this garbage in our hands. We grew up outside playing in mud and playing stick ball.
Don't you see how these business are going under and the one companies are left are Walmart and Amazon
Amazon now ships more then the federal government. Corporation run USA, not the tax payer
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
In the USA we went from a growing and thriving economy prior to January to an unstable mess in January and an economy in a state of shambles. This causes the shut downs here you are noticing.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
@LILY61 😴 😻😻☀☀
@TheShanachie am i boring you? it won't be boring when our existence looks like a bad "end of the world scenario" movie
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
@LILY61 I had a misunderstanding I apologize, actually you are quite interesting.
rachelsj · 22-25, F
My gf and I were talking about that yesterday. Never thought toys r us would ever close
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Because that was the plan.
@SW-User it is too late to do anything about the ozone layer or pollution. but i always felt that i was suppose to be a beacon of light for people, but an entire city of evil turned on me before i even got started.
ending homelessness is the answer to our being a society and not a mob. it is too late for me, but if the younger ones can see it...maybe there is a chance. i hope that this is part of the new world order
ending homelessness is the answer to our being a society and not a mob. it is too late for me, but if the younger ones can see it...maybe there is a chance. i hope that this is part of the new world order

The USA spend billions on NASA to go on space missions, yet there’s homeless and so much poverty. Shouldn’t the money be spent on that that before they waste money on anything outside that.
1 in 2 get cancer yet more money is spent on finding a cure.but they posion the food we eat.
Yet every one just goes along with it! It’s absurd to me.
It’s not rocket science lol 😂
The USA spend billions on NASA to go on space missions, yet there’s homeless and so much poverty. Shouldn’t the money be spent on that that before they waste money on anything outside that.
1 in 2 get cancer yet more money is spent on finding a cure.but they posion the food we eat.
Yet every one just goes along with it! It’s absurd to me.
It’s not rocket science lol 😂
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Why is everything closing? People are shopping online.
@SW-User no, they are closing....that is what this thread is about. store closings. if they were smart, the anchor stores would have gone back to physical catalogs and making their online shopping perfect.

@LILY61 Sorry, do you mean high-street stores closing, or the actual businesses themselves, whether they have an online presence or not?
@SW-User the stores are closing. Kmart and sears roebuck were around before i was born and they had internet sites and catalogs and now they are gone. all of the drug stores are gone or on their way out. sporting goods stores are gone. Joann's fabrics is going to be gone by nest year. Michaels is in trouble. Home improvement stores have been dropping like flies the past ten years. and second hand stores and the like....whom you would think would stick around ....gone....dollars stores going going gone for most of them. OUTLET MALLS FOR GOD'S SAKE! i have seen at least three of those die in my area. that makes no sense at all. none of them kept an online existence....they just disappeared
Stripclubs suffered particularly badly.
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
You can't pay that rent gas and car insurance car payment and car repairs and cell phone and y'all is broke. Broken. No flower children Will arrive to gently lead you away from the military industrial complex. You wouldn't go. No more trying.
Decay collapse rust, clearly desired early death, wars, hatred, chilling willing evil.
Decay collapse rust, clearly desired early death, wars, hatred, chilling willing evil.
@Roundandroundwego well, that just says it all
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
@LILY61 when you decides to keep your genocidal war with cruel poverty and car crashes, you can lose your commies and lose your Greens forever and you kept that genocide forever by voting together as a nation. Whatever!
Elessar · 26-30, M
That's what happens when the wealth concentrates on top
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
WerES aLL geTtinG so RiCHEz HuNz no OnEZ needs to WoRKZ
@DonaldTrumpet wrong
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@LILY61 TarriFFZ AndZ InFlatIONz GoinGZ to MakEZ Us RicHES HuNz
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swirlie · F
Trump's version of making America great again. Welcome to lower prices!
candycane · 36-40, F
Fast foods