have you ever been to cornwall on holidayme and my family went around 1988, to cornwall, stayed at the headland hotel just on fistral beach in newquay, it was a great time for us...the beaches were spotless and clean back then, and it was a surfers paradise...great times wish i could go... See More »
Folklore-The DybbukIn Jewish folklore a dybbuk is a disembodied human spirit that, because of unfinished business or past sins, wanders restlessly until it finds a haven in the body of a living person. The dybbuk was almost always the spirit of a Jewish man, who... See More » (2)
The German for Wednesday translates as “midweek”It’s funny how a people who had similar Gods to the Norse peoples didn’t name their Wednesday as Woden’s day as the Anglo Saxons did. The word Wednesday comes from Woden's day. The Anglo-Saxons named the days of the week after their gods. The names... See More »
the origins of some well known sayingslike '' worst things happen at sea'' does anyone know the origin of that saying?