What's up next?What's the next big cultural event that will dominate all the posts here now Superbowl is over?
My family tradition, the main aspect of my father's side of our family.Rusyns (Rusyn: Русины, romanized: Rusynŷ), also known as Carpatho-Rusyns (Rusyn: Карпаторусины or Карпатьскы Русины, romanized: Karpatorusynŷ or Karpaťskŷ Rusynŷ), Ruthenians, or Rusnaks (Rusyn: Руснакы or Руснаци, romanized: Rusnakŷ or Rusnacy),... See More »
I need my mind blowneverything is gray these days everything is distilled down to appeal the greatest common denominator: acceptable by most, unobtrusive to the least most of the cars are gray most of the TV shows are basically the same in the sense that the plot can... See More »
We need a tribe. Something really tight knit, with traditionsBut not hard to get into like the clans, and not picked on like the Jews. Are there any tribes taking new members? Like maybe a few dozen or so?
How come it's not a traditionto sing Happy Birthday to a baby just born...on the only day it relevant ? 🤔