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Deleting 'in God we trust' in USD

Poll - Total Votes: 44
A good idea
Just leave it alone
Um.. i'm not sure about this
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jennyCook · 22-25, F
Anyone who thinks differently can move to another country
@jennyCook Except that I’m not an atheist. But thanks for playing, though. Since you’re making assumptions and passing judgment, I’ll assume you’re probably not a Christian.
@bijouxbroussard 😂😂😂
@bijouxbroussard I completely agree.
Even more interesting is the growing secularism in young adults.

Faith is a private affair, it has no place in government.
Gloomy · F
It would be a sign for the christian nationalist fascists to back off also it has been added 1956 so it's not like it has been there since the beginning.
Punches · 46-50, F
@Gloomy You would hope they would back off but unfortunately these christian nationalists seem to be getting real aggressive about everything lately.
Iwillwait · M
Totally against the idea of removing that statement.
Rizzle420 · M
@Iwillwait so you're against separation of church and state? Which would also mean you're against the entire Constitution
Iwillwait · M
@Rizzle420 No my man, you're wrong. The Donation is founded in Biblical Principles and I am perfectly in Agreement with that. I have no qualms about the statement being left on our Money.
calicuz · 56-60, M
This isn't even an issue anymore. The US is going to Crypto Currency and you can't print anything on Ones and Zeros.
Pfuzylogic · M
An essential concept on which the United Stares was founded on. Most of those that signed the Constitution were Christians.
Pfuzylogic · M
The lecture is actually documented on the Taft series of lectures and I actually found it a couple of years ago.
She was heavily guarded since she was primarily responsible for convincing Senators that then Appellate Judge Bork would contract rather than expand rights of citizens. I think she was trying to underline to have a government that represented the thoughts and beliefs of those forming the critical documents of the country. I don’t think that even one representative claimed atheism although I do believe the Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin didn’t claim Christianity but Deism instead.
Rizzle420 · M
@Pfuzylogic then you don't know your history very's certainly not essential and tbh most of the founding fathers were christian in name only and in todays society they would most likely be atheists... with the possible exception of John Adams... did you know that Thomas Jefferson created a version of the Bible where he took out anything that couldn't be backed by science or reason?... needless to say it becomes more of a pamphlet at that point lol
Pfuzylogic · M
I know my history very well and this is one of the rudest interjections I have seen on this site since it formed 7 years ago.
Brush off fly!
Teirdalin · 31-35
I'm concerned about what they'd put in its place.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

"In wokeness we trust"...? 🤔
@Teirdalin “mind your business “. From the first minted coin in the US.
….or “stay in your own fucking lane” works as well
. @Thinkerbell
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Let's put on the WHOLE statement: "In God we trust, all other pay cash"
No one should be forced to believe in god
jennyCook · 22-25, F
@SW-User no one is being forced to do anything if you have a problem with words on some paper you are really screwed up
@SW-User what a maroon 🤡
@Thinkerbell should be orange
Rizzle420 · M
@Thinkerbell the entire Trump Empire was built on fraud and corruption but you go ahead and keep deluding yourself...baa baa sheep
@Rizzle420 Some people saw him as their orange jesus. It’s odd though that it was mainly aggrieved white people who followed him.
Scribbles · 36-40, F
If you trust in God, why do you need your money to say it?
It was added to coins in the 1950s.

I would suggest having “In god we trust, all others pay cash”
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
It's a relatively recent addition to the notes, 1955.
Punches · 46-50, F
I am indifferent. I am not religious but it being on there does not bother me.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I've taken to marking it out on bills I have.
My debit card says in god we trust on it so there 😌
RedBaron · M
Why is it a big deal?
ditch it. people can read a bible if they get lonely for it
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
What does it even mean and how does it relate to money? Have faith we'll pay you back??
Thespis · M
Go back to the motto the founders set E pluribus unum.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
That’s a fantastic question .
I honestly think we should, in keeping with the separation of church and state.
empanadas · 31-35, M
Meh it's just a saying. Not sure why people are so offended by it.
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ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Darksideinthenight2 They could use the old motto of the the USA: E Pluribus Unum. Could even render it in English: Out of many, one.

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