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Likely I will be writing such a sci-fi story....

Yet there is no possible way I could post it here even if it's pure fiction or any other major social media site.

There are a few very old story sites that such a story could be posted. Thankfully they are virtually unknown.

Just mentioning this here because it's slow on my feed. Again to the social dynamics of this site.

Can however post the preface if any should be interested which I am highly doubtful.

The Amours. Alien culture shock. Scifi.


I have for decades wished to write such a science fiction story that is based in the very distant future. Of course some of the physics, biology and social dynamics are simply impossible to predict. So I have resorted to the pure fiction for much of this point of view.

While I do consider this completely impossible, I have drawn this story from real world examples that are controversial at best. As well as examples like current well known sources like from the original Star trek (Amok Time S2E01) and various other science fiction and fantasy authors well known and unknown alike (Piers Anthony's Xanth, Orson Scott Card Speaker for the dead, Anne McCaffrey The Tower and the Hive Series, on and on).

The real world concepts have always been a fascination for me, as to how such an alien society might actually work. To give examples would be like ant colonies and their dynamics being a excellent example of a matriarchal society with the queen, drones and workers of various types. Or the spawning demand and necessities of salmon. Or the reverse female/male physical roles of Brazilian Neotrogla or the little mention of Nambian Sensitibilla.

It's these types of physical dynamics that should be considered, when considering what a true alien society might be like, rather than our own limited monogamous values. To think that our ways and only ours is the only natural is to also ignore our own human species in both history, with the isle of Lesbos, as well current day humans such as the Zo'é tribe of Brazil.

Our current western values are so limited. Yet every acceptable science fiction writing assumes as a given that a alien culture and even biology would be the virtually the same.

To me this is the height of such hubris and arrogance, to place our values and even biology on the level of any type of alien.
What they might be like could beyond our accepted values, as to be utterly perverse. When we in our history have done things so perverse, as well as degrading, to our own kind that only current values are acceptable.

Some may say that we have grown out of such values, that we are now a better race of humans. Yet at the same time we still degrade even those of different races, social values, even those that are poor.

So how would you think about living like an ant in it's own social value structure? To be a worker, endlessly and untiringly and only for the sake of the hive. No thoughts on this and mostly because we are humans and are so much better than ants.

Yet there are certain physical characteristics that must be available for an intelligent species to exist. One is the ability to use other objects. Another is the method of communication with a wide variance of nuances.

Allen Dean Foster's Thranx seems to me one of the most intriguing with their sense of faz which allows them to move around in dark caves. This sense would seem likely to be a sense of air movement like a bats sense of echo location though I am certain other ways could be thought of.

Yet over millennium of ages other senses could be developed. Some never even considered in the greatest wild dreams of the great science fiction authors.

Not that I consider myself that imaginative. Yet a sense of the intricacies DNA itself could be a considered a survival sense to give an example.

Then there's the plant kingdom with the dichogamy types to consider. You see we all start out in life in the womb as female and only later do males become differentiated.

So that leaves us to consider natural forms of gender changes over time for alien life forms.

Now imagine the social implications of all these differences. It just bogles my mind to imagine the whole of it
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
I enjoy sci fy and in particular the ufo stories that are out there. Some are quite believable and kind of point the way to possible scenarios. As far as how far into the future some of these cultures could be ahead of us I would suspect they are likely hundreds of thousands of years more advanced. Imagine having the ability to produce infinite energy and produce parts one atom at a time with the optimal isotope for each one? Imagine colony ships or at least brain ships with quantum entangled communications to bio-robotic drones that absorb energy via immersion in fluids on a regular basis but require no food or solid waste management. They just have bodies with built in super capacitors. Then they could be smaller, optimized for space travel and immune to planetary biologies and atmospheres. If captured they would quickly dissolve. The minds would then transfer to a new drone body. Use the Bob Lazar concept of antimatter power via heavy elements in the island of stability that do not occur naturally on earth but must be fabricated secretly in big super colliders or mined from extrasolar asteroids. Nuclear powered spacecraft are old school and warp drive a bit too far out. The strong force is very under discussed and I think that is going to be the answer once we figure it out. Some consider it to be a second form of gravity but one that we can control.

AI, yes, but as an assistant or extension of the original mind(s). Once the minds are uploaded quantum or simple radio / telepathic control would be possible but require assistance.
FurryFace · 61-69, M
i too have thought of a good story to put in book form and possibly even a movie after that . and here it is ...
A Modern day Robin Hood story about a group of Hackers from around world work together and figure out how to rip off extremely rich people and but the money into the stock marker and the proceeds or cash generated from that are divided up and shared into poor peoples Bank accounts all over the world , the rich of course are very pissed off and as well as the governments and hire their own elite hackers to find the culprits that caused all this turmoil , and its hackers against hackers no holds barred , on one side to continue but remain unknown and the other to find out not only how its being done but to also find who are responsible for the rip offs , so what do ya think about it ?
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@FurryFace wasn't exactly a book though yet the real thing.

Possibly all hype. Yet pretty much that situation.
FurryFace · 61-69, M
@DeWayfarer maybe they just read my stuff from way back when on SW
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@FurryFace I doubt it. He was talking about brand new high end equipment. The stuff that neither of us could possibly afford.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Alien religions are really fun to contemplate. Check out the Roswell stone.
The images on the lonie Zamora craft and the discussions with betty hill.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@DeWayfarer I wish we had 100 degrees instead of 90 in pi/2 radians. Could do trig in your head of that was the case!
This message was deleted by its author.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Tastyfrzz I believe even Europeans would have a hard time switching from 60 seconds and 60 minutes to 100 of either or both! 🤣

360 doesn't make sexagesimal. Unless you divide it by 6 again. Base 60 is still more accurate than base 100.

5=30°....... 5=18°
1=6°......... 1=18/5°

Notice the irrational on the last. Yet it's that most common 45° angle that is the biggest problem though and why we keep 360. Squaring tools of all kind use it.

We do tend to like right angles which need 45° to brace. You want a smooth framing like a picture frame or doorway that has strength, it's totally necessary. 30° or 18° most certainly isn't strength in design.
Other than the small audience, why do you think you could not post your story here?

Also this is really interesting but your English needs work; it is hard to understand your wording at times :(
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@SW-User perhaps you might consider the current question I'm just about to pose about video content.

You see the very definition of what is acceptable on here is in question. Anything even mildly erotic reguarding certain subjects is not even acceptable even on Reddit much less here on this site. And that is not considering nudity.

Wait a moment for my next post.
@DeWayfarer ummm there are erotic posts here all the time. Erotic stories, nude or "lewd" photos, and somebody posted an audio sex tape a while back.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@SW-User there are certain topics just not touched. I won't go into this in the open. The closest I will come is on my other post which is now posted.

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