[Personal] Just a few images of the mountains with snow here.Mount San Jacinto eastern side, close up. San Gorgornio mountains south side, far away. San Gorgornio mountains south side. Closer. (8)
[Personal] How often does anyone actually know anyone before they see them on national network broadcast?I recently saw Abi Carter become a celebrity on American idol. That was really the only person that I can think of that I ever met briefly and saw on national TV. That is until tonight. I saw tonight a girl on CBS that is apart of a local... See More »
[Personal] Just something I wrote on prayer.(Quote) Posting this for my collection. I may delete negative comments. Make your own posts. About time I posted to my own group though. 😊
Remember when this month was called Octoburr? Well welcome to Octoaster! 🥵Tonight's ten day forecast. And I'm baking lasagna at the moment. https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/record-breaking-heat-prompts-national-weather-service-to-dub-this-month-octoaster/ar-AA1rKMSI (Quote) (1)
Repost! A time for remembrance. On this day at 11:02 am August 9, 1945 Japanese time, the Nagasaki bomb was released.I mention it because our own USA representatives refused to honor the remembrance in Nagasaki. 😞 "Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it". Ok trolls! Your hate for the Japanese has forced me to make the old post private. Yet you ju... See More »
[personal] RIP Stanley, late USA Army vet! 🇺🇸🫡While waiting for the bus, to go to a store and then some breakfast, I received some saddening news today, from the niece of recent neighbor. My neighbor, who was evicted a month ago, has passed away. The truly sad part, of this whole tragedy, is it... See More »
Ever go the grocery store, see something healthy and say: I need that?That happened to me today twice on the same trip. I forgot about the item that I wanted. 🤣 Just needed bananas and tangerines.🍌🍊 My body just said "I NEED that" and I just couldn't say no.