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Do you get on with your neighbours?

Today my neighbour spoke to me. So I did what I had to do. I strapped a monitor on my ankle, went out in a pair of shorts, with my t-shirt on back to front and argued with a palm tree for a good 5 minutes. That should hold them off for a while. 🥳
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IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
Next time, leave this at your front step

IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@Pretzel Hehehehe
AbbySvenz · F
The proper way to bundle up your Christmas Tree after the season 🤔@IamCuriousBabe
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@AbbySvenz Yes, you're right!
I was very fortunate. Great neighbors on both sides, who were quiet, kind, and kept to themselves.
Even when the one on our right moved, their peplacement was equally quiet.

The remaining neighbor on the left was eccentric, and nosey in a non-intrusive way. Initially we had some tensions, but they were adverse to conflict, and soon quit.
Overall, good people, who neded to be shown where the boundary lines were once in a while.

Those across the street, and 3 doors either side were sweet, inclusive, terrific.

The other unsavory/rowdy bunch respected us and our property and we were on good terms. They kept the bad elements in line.

There were also those severely down on their luck we often helped.
TinFoilHat · F
@SethGreene531 My neighbour has a Northern accent which she's always trying to disguise and then she goes on a rant and it all slips. 😆

Next time she makes a social status comment, I shall have to mentally record it to replay to you.

She told me she was getting these "workmen" for her to "supervise" and was bragging about putting her feet up and cracking the whip while they landscaped the garden. Then when they turned up they were like Hell's Angels in appearance so she squirreled them away through the back gate. "Nothing here to see..."
"Has your labour turned up yet?"
"No, I think a descendant of King Charles needed them for a project, so obviously I said they must go!"

I'll watch it. 😁👍
@TinFoilHat Northern, as in Yorkshire? Lol, oh she's going to hate that if she's expecting an invite to the Queen's garden party.
Betrayed by a slip of composure...that must be joyous to watch.
Next time say "you sound just like my aunt from Yorkshire Dales, or Wales. What a lovely dialect you have"

"You men, be sure to use the service entrance." "And no dustbins out front"

Ha ha, Hells Angels, a Hyacinth moment...scrambling to drag them out of sight.😅

King Charles 🤭..Isn't hst just how they'd put it. "Oh Duke/Lord so and so called them away for urgent work on his Manor House"

You may need to use a VPN if it's country restricted
TinFoilHat · F
@SethGreene531 Yes a very strong Yorkshire accent.

Laughing at 'the service entrance'. 😆

It's letting me watch it! 👀
AbbySvenz · F
I do not get it on with any of my neighbors
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@AbbySvenz not even the ones with cookies?
AbbySvenz · F
None of them bake 🤷🏼‍♀️@Pretzel
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@AbbySvenz and they won't learn?
not worthy of your time
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
One is in a wheelchair and lives alone and her 2 kids my age are POS and don't come take care of her. Every once and a while she ventures into the yard and gets stuck or something goes wrong with her van lift and she calls us to help.
The other is new and we haven't met them.
The behind are a bunch of obnoxious loud not so self aware types so we avoid them. They nice enough. Just always outside smoking and yelling at the kids.
The across the street are our age but with 3 kids. They're quite conservative Christian, and we're...ehrm not. They sure keep tryin' to bring us into the fold. Their eldest identifies as they/them so it's going to be a rough road for that kid in their family. The eldest is friends with mine.
Kitty corner across the street is a busy body widow always concerned about wheelchair lady's lawn, she's nice though.
TinFoilHat · F
@Starcrossed I can totally visualise this. 😁
I don't even know what they look like, so I've got no issues with them. 😌
Yes, but most of them have known me my whole life
I don't even know their names 😅
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Im in a pretty rural area dont see my neighbors much
Torsten · 36-40, M
only when i have no interaction with them. I hate this whole thing that people expect you to get on with them because you live next to them.
Just stay out of my business and we will be all good
Pretzel · 61-69, M
I LIKE your style
No. We kind of don't exist for each other really except crazy brawls.
Wizardry · 46-50, M
Yes, Got nicer neighbors and get on well them. Way better than my previous neighbors. Which were pretty arrogant
We do get along. Somewhat. We've all lived here 40+ years apart from the small group who moved in 5 years ago. We're like a dysfunctional family in different houses.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
My neighbors are pretty nice
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Be careful there! Some are even more weird than you might believe! 🙃😆

I have dated a girl with MPD before! 😂
Lowkey · M
@TinFoilHat I vacuum my grass....in my underwear
TinFoilHat · F
@Lowkey I think that might make me more popular!
Lowkey · M
@TinFoilHat right?? Lol
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Get on, as in almost physically get on, to beat each other up....then yes.
TinFoilHat · F
@assemblingaknob Sounds scary!
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@TinFoilHat i can be denjerus
Deceased · M
No. On one side my neighbor is a human trafficking drug dealing swine. And on the other side the house is an Air BnB and no one ever stays longer than about a week.
I get on really well with most of them. Helped out/been helped by a few. One even has a key to my house.
Punches · 46-50, F
I want NO interaction with the neighbors.
When I first moved here 13 years ago a couple of them acted like pricks so every since then I do my best to avoid.
The rude ones have long since moved but still.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
We've never talked. It's not a world where neighbours know each other anymore.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
I do want to get it on with one yes
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Renaci · 36-40
Mine thinks I'm a lazy, stupid, good for nothing pos. Even though I've only talked to him like three times. Whereas he spends hundreds on guns and bullets every month,shoots nearly everyday, and his place is literally covered in trash and he doesn't work. Yet I'mmm the problem.

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