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someone asked about shoes. what do I like, what do I wear? Blocked for this?

it was a harmless post
I was responding, But before i even hit send.
I got a block? W t F
this was my response, un seen
i am not much of a brand loyalist, but for certain Boots
Xtra toughs Danners
and Artisan made things
I use my Dress shoes, sparingly, Italian or Spanis
I but focused on functions
he companies change often radically changed
My original Converse High tops, compared to the ones now? were much more durable, heavier canvas, strong attachments
the current one? weak and flimsy by comparison
I have loved her Original Doc Martin's Work shoes.
again they are not as they were, a shadow of what wa

I cant imagine,,why this block occurred!

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HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
I wear shoes like this for going out clubbing
When I'm working or lounging around I usually wear shoes like this
@HairbrushDiva the right shoes for the right situation
both seem spot on
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
@SatyrService Actually I've had flip-flops on today due to the warm sunny weather. Mine are a bit like the ones this woman here is wearing (this is not me, it's a pic I found online)
Do you like flip-flops?
Maybe they're looking for something in particular and they're weeding out people that aren't that.
@Spoiledbrat but but but.. it was just shoes..
@SatyrService I know... I've gotten blocked for dumb stuff too. One person blocked me because I didn't tell them what I look like and I didn't even know them.
@Spoiledbrat oh that guy, I have met that guy
so common it is a type.
The Questing Wiener
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
Accidental block?
@YMITheWayIM a reasonable assumption! thnx
you said crocs huh?.. dont lie
The only thing i want.
The only thing I need.
The only thing I choose.
The only thing that looks good on me is Shhooooeess.
Well I have to agree with you about extra tuffs, I won’t go to see without them. Dannerst is a pretty nice too
Maybe someone suffers from extreme brand loyalty and can’t stand to know there are other Big Ten she was out there. Silly rabbit
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Or that person been blocked by SW who knows
@Donotfolowme I sure dont,
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
They were probably looking for a sexy answer, knowing this website.
The person was clearly a freaking idiot is why.

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