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Compassions isn’t about caring for those less than you

It is about killing the ego until the division between yourself and them ceases to exist

It isn’t “I will help them because I can” as much as it is “I will help them because I must”

Those that seek to create division are those that define others in ways that make them feel comfortable

My job is to provide kindness and compassion to people that most would say deserve neither

And yet they are still people

What is done cannons be undone, we can move no direction but forward

Many would use me to their own ends

To be clear I work with psychopaths and murderers ever day

People who have committed crimes most would prefer not to know even existed

Some would say do not waste time caring for those that would not care for you

But I say spend more time on those people

Not for personal gain but simply to embrace the angels of our better nature

Die kind, in the face of a cruel world

Be better than those around you

History will not remember you, the world will forget

But draw your last breath saying “I am more than what was given to me, I will give my life in the face of cruelty and receive nothing in return, I will be forgotten, but I will do what is right and just”

I’m not being overly dramatic, in the time of my great grandchildren I will be forgotten, but I will have loved for others, and no one can take that from me

I am me, and that is eternal
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SwampFlower · 31-35, F
You say history will forget you. That your great-grandkids won’t know you. But that’s not how that works. Maybe they won’t know your name or the details of your life. But they will know you. In the way their parents guide them, in the way they feel pulled to kindness when the world says to turn away, in the quiet instinct to care when no one else will.

We believe that the choices we make and the way we live, the things we do will shape at least the next seven generations. That responsibility has always shaped how I move through the world and treat people. How I love. How I fight. And I know it shapes you too even if it wasn't something directly taught to you. It is why we have always gotten along so well.

Every time you choose compassion. Every time you refuse to let the world make you hard you are planting something. And that does not just disappear. It lives on in the people you touch and in in the lessons you leave behind. Your kids will carry it and pass it on without even thinking about it. And their kids will do the same.

You won’t be forgotten. You will be there in the love they give and the way they refuse to be less than what they were meant to be. That is how this works. That is how you live forever and a heart like yours surely will. 💜
CountScrofula · 41-45, M

Solidarity, not charity.

I'm fighting WITH you not FOR you.
Pambie · 22-25, F
It is about killing the ego until the division between yourself and them ceases to exist

That sounds absolutely dreadful! I don't want to "kill my ego", because that would mean killing an aspect of myself that I don't believe I could live without. Ego is not a dirty word, or at least it shouldn't be.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Why is this just now coming into my feed? I must need it at this moment. That is so weird.
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
@LordShadowfire I’m glad it came when it did then
metaldog · 51-55, F
Die kind, in the face of a cruel world. Yes ❤🌺

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