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if you met your favourite celebrity or pop star in real life

and you met them and they took a dislike to you and were maybe even rude to would you feel? would you still continue to listen to their music or watch their films?

basically would you still be a fan of their music or films if you met them and they didn't like you and were rude to you?

and your favourite celebrity happened to be american and you were british, would it put you off all things american? or would you still go on listening to and watching their content?
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Good question. I might be put off from their stuff for some time but I'd probably get back to it later.
I tend to separate art from the artist.
miette · 26-30, F
It would have to depend on how mean they were. If they were just .. a bit short with me in a way that any human on a bad day might be, yeah it might bum me out for a little while but it won't necessarily make me stop liking their content. I'd feel pretty stupid to continue die-hard fan status for someone who treated me like shit though. Letting that paint my enjoyment of all media from their country is even stupider, though. I can't imagine it going that far lol.
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
I'd be in heaven to meet my 'parallel universe bestie', Carrie Underwood. She sounds like a nice lady. I have chatted, from time to time, with Jenny Tolman, and she's always been sweet.

Meeting Brad Paisley? That, I think, would be great too. He always seems such a cool fella.

Yeah, I think that I'd get on with them...

I don’t worship celebs
It happens. In the Letters to the Editor section of a music magazine, I once came across the story of a woman who changed overnight from die hard fan to hater of an American star. At a live show, he had made rude and insulting comments about people who had voted for a certain candidate...and she had voted for that candidate. 😑

On the few occasions when I've met stars at autograph signings, they've all been very pleasant.
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
@SW-User Ah....politics! It can get messy. I have no idea who or what my fav celebs voted for but, would I care? Probably not that much, unless we hit a topic that both me and them were emotional over.

But, y'know, if Carrie said 'Y'know, your Boris (Johnson) was such a cool guy and I loved his political viewpoint...' then I'd think 'Ok, well, that's their opinion..' and be cool with it. Onto next topic, and take mental note not to talk with her over politics again.

People are entitled to their own doesn't make them bad people. People doing bad things, however...that's different.

@CassandraSissy Right. I think the fan who wrote the letter to the editor wouldn't have cared if she'd only heard that her fave star had voted differently. It was the pointedly rude and insulting comments that changed her mind about him.

Personally, I haven't gone through exactly the same kind of experience as the fan who wrote that letter. I do understand though how if a star represents themselves as being against a certain category of people, and you are in that category... well, you can't truly be for someone who is against you.
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
@SW-User I think it can be done, but with some - as you said - tact and diplomacy....

If ever I was famous (Lol!) then I'd certainly come out against (i'm from the UK) The Conservatives....but that is different than being against people who voted Conservative.

It's how you say it...

I don't like rude people.. my favorite celebrity is probably Jim Parsons and there's no way he'd be rude. He's such a courteous person.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Dont be a fan of anything. People shouldnt be idolized like that. It takes away frlm your self.
I fear I might have a negative reaction. I became much less interested in the work of a particular musical artist after I was introduced to him and he was rude.

I don't think I would extend that to the person's whole nationality though!
SarahAndSamantha · 46-50, F
I don't have to like or agree with a person to enjoy their art. Pretty sure J.K. Rowling wouldn't be pleasant to me, but I'm still a Ravenclaw. Phil Anselmo is a racist prick, but I'll still jam out to Cemetery Gates.
Nanori · F
If I ever saw one I'd jizz in my pants

But if they're rood to me I'd slap their a$$cheeks and send them home to their mom.
i don't attach to celebrities like that, easier to just enjoy what they create and assume they suck
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
It'd be a let down but yeah I'd still follow their work
ArtieKat · M
Would you?
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
@ArtieKat i am the one asking the question here, WOULD YOU?
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Don't have one.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I don't know if I have a favorite, but yes, if they were overly douchey, I may look elsewhere for entertainment.
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empanadas · 31-35, M
I don't have a favorite celebrity. I don't Idolize them like that.

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