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beauty pageants

Are here more moms of beauty pageants?
I'm going enter with my child in 2025 the scene for the first time.
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These things are for the parents not the children. Why are you trying to live through your child? It is sexualizing her. Think about that. Sports or other learning hobbies would benefit her more.
Magenta · F
@PoetryNEmotion I concur. Never ever would I enter my child in such.
@Magenta Hi, M. How's life? I have 2 inches of snow since this am and steadily snowing. I hear you. Those pageants are for the adults. I still think of Jon Benet Ramsay and what happened to her. Tragic. And all those girls. Forced to do things. Given sugary crap to keep their energy up. Long practicing hours of dance, etc. It is beyond words.
@Danielle50 I think these pageants are sexualizing children. I wonder if the same folks who are on the "anti-grooming" bandwagon are taking their kids to these pageants.

@ElwoodBlues Agreed. 🥺
Danielle50 · 56-60, F
@ElwoodBlues i now those foto's but this is typical American pageant style.
here in Germany we have stricted rules for this, under the 18 must be the body covered, no bathing clothing, only casual clothing what you can buy standard in kids clothing stores
BeJeweled · 61-69, F
Look up JonBenet Ramsey. You might reconsider.😞
RedBaron · M
Are children allowed? I thought you have to be 18.
Danielle50 · 56-60, F
@RedBaron Here in Germany 10 years old..
My opinion on beauty pagesnts is similar to sending a child to dance classes. You are just training them to become strippers when they grow up. Pageants just train them to do soft core porn and take advantage of their looks to dominate others, both men and women in different ways.

This being said, I am a hypocrite because I went to my share of strip clubs when I was younger and look at porn. I wouldn't want my daughter doing either but am willing to look at others people's adukt children doing this sort of thing. So it is up to the adult child, but I wouldn't recommend pushing a minor down that road.... enough adukts decide of their own accord to go down that road. Nobody is making them. A parent should be pushing their kid to live the straight and narrow, and live the best life they can.
Convivial · 26-30, F
I would imagine they were too old?
Jake966 · 56-60, M
How old is she ?
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@Jake966 Judging by OPs age I'd say 25 maybe 30.
Fertilization · 36-40, F
Best wishes
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Why would anyone want to join those pageants
Danielle50 · 56-60, F
@smileylovesgaming I would show the world my beauty full child and will give it all the credits what it deserve.
That stuff is creepy af these days
Panamared · 70-79, M
Do you have girls

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