indyjoe · 56-60, M
As a follow up to my previous reply...of course I no longer believe in Santa Claus, but I believe in Santa's cause. And in that sense he is very real.
MarmeeMarch · M
its not lying - if the guy at the mall calls himself santa then he is santa.
BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
I haven't told my kids. Figure keep them innocent for a bit

I figured it out on my own, and I also figured out the manipulation behind it, and it was one of the early things that made me start distrusting adults. What else are they lying to me about? Can I ever trust their intentions? Look how they present a united front and how much effort it took for me to corner them before they'd admit it. Look at all the other kids who still believe it, they're all being used and don't realize. I have to tell them.
6- or 7-year old me
6- or 7-year old me
We never believed in him
smiler2012 · 61-69
kanimaqz not the young ones I think it is all part of the magic of Christmas too them knowing they have too be good boys or girls too be visited by santa on Christmas eve

It’s up to the individual whether or not they want to enjoy a tradition that made them happy as kids. For myself, though, I wouldn’t. I think it’s silly. As a kid, I’d known it wasn’t true (but you get presents, so why question it blah blah blah).

I just let my kid figure it out for himself, he's at that age where he is seriously questioning it
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
kids like to pretend, they know what pretending is, you could "play pretend" with them that there is a santa claus without actually trying to convince them that he is real, they can understand that subtlety, they are masters at pretending, not stupid.
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
Go along with the fable until the kids are old enough to comprehend everything. For some kids this comes sooner than others but don't be a killjoy type who poops on anything fun. You have the right idea, I believe.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
No offense but your boyfriend is a scrooge. There is no harm in children believing in Sant Claus. They will learn on their own in time. What is more important is to teach them mostly what Santa Claus represents, not just a source of "free loot".
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
I know as a child I really enjoyed the magic feeling the belief in Santa brought me. So I’m pro Santa but it’s an individual choice
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Santa isn't REAL? Darn it
Sp2l3emP34c067 · 36-40, M
I hated it. It was such a mindfuck.