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would you consider it child abuse

if say you had a very young child and that child said they feel like the opposite gender and you basically encourage them to transition with hormone blockers and so on at such a young age?

i think if a child feels very strongly about being who they feel they are for instance with gender that they can try living as said gender without permanently altering their body for the time being. Maybe im wrong but was just a thought since im watching a podcast with this as a discussion atm
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F Best Comment
I'd tell them don't worry about it for now and decide when they're older. I'd let them have clothes and hair style if they pushed it but I would keep reinforcing just be a kid and worry about all that when you're 18.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
no worries, you said what I was thinking but better then what I could ever say, so best answer to you :)
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
@PlumBerries I have a feminine son who gets called gay. There are children deciding they're gay at 11 at his school. I said to him whether you are or not doesn't matter. You have loads of time, save your kisses. Work it out when you're older. So he decided to concentrate on his school work and that's what he does. He liked wearing dresses when little but he stopped at 4 when a boy pointed and shouted you're a girl. I didn't put any negative on it but I think that made him realise he's a boy and he didn't want people to think he's a girl. So I have a little bit of first hand experience. Even his dad who is very man's man didn't say anything to him, we just let him be himself and so far that's been ok. If there'd been alot of attention to it then it could of possibly worked out different but we just let put a dress on and didn't really say much to him about it good or bad or even ask him why. I think alot of boys like to put their mums high heels on because of the noise they make and I think it's best to avoid putting emotion and attention into things because the child could become swayed and confused when perhaps they just want to dress up. If I'd given it alot of attention or questioned him about gender he might of got confused - who knows and perhaps he'll want to cross dress when older - who knows - but right now he loves learning his school work and he has alot of male and female friends, he's 13, that's what 13 needs to be not worrying about gender and sexuality even. He'll work it all out along the way but he doesn't need to commit to gay or straight or bi or anything like that at 13. I just said wait a while to him, he's the one who decided it was a good option because he has alot of school work and he wants to get a good career more than he's concerned about if he's gay or not. He probably knows if he's gay by now but still he doesn't need to worry about it yet because there's lots of other stuff he needs to do - like have fun with his friends. I tell all 4 of my children "save your kisses" though because there's plenty of time for that not so much time to be a kid.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
you sound like a amazing mum and he is lucky.. kids should just be kids and not have to stress so much about all that stuff. just have fun and as they get older I'm sure it will be more clear on who they are..

I would consider that any parent who did this is wholly deranged.
Andrew19EightyFive · 36-40, M
What does a child know at such a young age?

You can do serious damage by enabling and encouraging such profound "decisions" of a child who isn't adequately equipped, informed and mature.

I'd say serious child abuse...
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
Andrew19EightyFive · 36-40, M
@PlumBerries I don't agree that anyone should ever change their "gender" actually, and children at such a young age have such inadequate understanding that in such cases it would actually be the adult making the decision for them.

If a child watches a movie where a "superhero" child jumps off of an aircraft in mid-flight with a parachute and decides that he's a "superhero" too, are you going to help him do what he seems to want to do?
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
why do you care if someone changed their gender? it does not effect you at all does it? and comparing that to a fictional thing like superheroes is wrong imo.. each to their own though I guess
I think it's wrong either way BUUUUUTTTTTT....

Anyone taking hormones, especially the big doses used in transitioning, before about age 20 to 25 have had huge and horrible side effect. To subject a child to that is abuse. Let them decide to do it when they have full ability to understand and agree to the possible dangers.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@EllaDisenchanted that's kind of my thoughts as well when you say when they have full ability to understand the possible dangers and that they can not change back
room101 · 51-55, M
Abuse! No ifs, buts or maybes. I have no problem with ADULTS deciding for themselves what they want or need. Children, however, is a whole different ball game.
Im so glad I saw this post! I am a male who identifies as female but the powe rof techgnology and apps allows me to be a woman here without altering the physical body of me. Amazingly, I get what I need from being on SW as 'Crystal' 😊💕
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
such a lovely transition lol
@PlumBerries I actually completely agree with your stance! I think children should be allowed to grow a little but more and then ahve trhe power and freedom to decide for themeslves when they are more enlkightened and older <3 💕
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
yeah exactly.
My first step would be therapy. Not to fix them... but to have someone there to talk and dig deeper into my child.

If the child, therapist, doctors, and parents all agree... maybe that is the best course of action.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@SW-User I agree to a extent.. like everything you said totally, but maybe planning it for the future and in the mean time living as how they feel for a fair while first and wait till they are older for the more drastic options
I honestly don’t and will never know what a kid like that goes through.

I think what these kids need are good mentors of both kinds. People who have gone through the transition and those who lived without doing it.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I agree with you on that :)
ZenKitzune · F
That's really a decision that can only be made when you're an adult. Letting/pushing kids to decide is going to lead to some big mistakes.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@ZenKitzune I wouldn't even say a decision for a adult but I think under the age of 16 is not a good idea
ZenKitzune · F
@PlumBerries we're entitled to our own choices as adults, by then it's nobody else's business really.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I agree with you
Sounds like a very sheltered child to a single mother who needs to get out and make friends..
WeighedDown · 36-40, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I identify as a feline, so I'm a cat now,,,, meow
purplepen · 51-55, F
I think it's a bad idea to put drastic chemicals into their bodies especially while they're young.
I would say that is child abuse. Children are not able to make those sorts of decisions at that age and historically those decisions usually have negative results.

Most transgender people are not happy as demonstrated by a 40% suicide rate in the transgender community. Also there are more than a few transgenders that regretted transitioning.
SerenitiesScars · 31-35, M
Children think they'll be movie stars... Singers.. Dinosaurs..

I don't think I'd spoil a child to have a rotten personality just so they could pretend to be a movie star or some other famous occupational hazard on society...

I don't think I'd throw a child outside to fend for themselves like a dinosaur and to live without a human roof over their head or human food to eat...

So I don't think anyone should be stupid enough to think that a whim of some thought that came about from the child.. Is the way the adult parent should act upon when it comes to their well being...

That being said.. I believe most adults these days were raised to be children instead of adults.. So it makes a lot of sense why so many are completely asinine.. And probably would drug up a child..
It is a bit extreme to do so as a child , it's natural for young children to want to explore what the other gender is into out of curiosity etc ..... but to permanently change as a child is a bit much ...could be a phase to wait until they are old enough and mature enough to make such decisions
coary987 · M
Depends on how old they are?
I talk to a lot of teens that feel the same way but tell them to wait till they are older and are 100% sure before doing anything.
RainbowSprinkles · 26-30, F
Never would I do that. They need to decide this when they are legally an adult.
romell · 51-55, M
most kids wont know whats good bad ugly as havent such experience so best if they would be allowed to make decisions if adults ..till then their decisions could be in abbeyance
topcap2017 · 46-50, M
i got Klinefelter syndrome

Klinefelter syndrome is a chromosome disorder that affects males. Usually, a male has two chromosomes that determine his sex: an X inherited from his mother and a Y inherited from his father. A male with Klinefelter syndrome has an additional X chromosome.
@topcap2017 With Klinefleter one can use hormone replacement without most of the worst side effects when done with a person that doesn't NEED replacement. That's the thing. Replacement hormone therapy versus transition hormones have very big differences.
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I agree. I couldn’t see giving them hormone blockers or chemically altering them at such a young age.

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