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What would u tell your child if they want to drop out of highschool

Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
It really depends on the reason why. Sometimes a change of school can help. It did for me.

The time when you are young is the most motivated time of your life. You can power through those 7 years of medical school and come out a doctor by 25 or become anything else you want perhaps in far less time. Once you’re working.. life gets in the way of everything… and not having the schooling to provide the job that makes the money is so limiting for the rest of your life and any dream you will ever have. School affects everything will that will ever come after. It doesn’t seem that way when you are young but it becomes painfully obvious as you age.
I would tell them that we are going for a little ride downtown where there is a homeless camp. When we arrive, I would ask them, would you like to live like these people live? Sleeping on the sidewalk, no place to go to the bathroom, except in your pants. Does this look appealing to you? They respond with no, I don't want to live like that. Then stay in school.
Missbirdie1986 · 36-40, F
@cinsac most of those homeless people could be billionaires you don’t know
@Missbirdie1986 Wow, I don't remember hearing about, or seeing billionaires living on the streets. Never saw Rolls Royce's, or Jaguars parked next to their makeshift camps, are you sure?
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
depends on what is their plan and how good they are at learning by themselves and basically how smart they are. I know people with almost no formal education but are insanely smart and good at learning , you could never tell they have little formal education but in general someone talks for a few minutes and you can tell their level of education. the general knowledge we get out of highschool, in this day and age, is the basic requirement to appear like a normal, functional person. I think its not even so much the things we learn but just the effect of being exposed to higher level of science, language and structured, logical thinking. on the other hand having educated parents I think has more effect on someone than how far they went in their studies. the level of sofistication of someone's language skills is often closely related to the education level of their parents.
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
I convince them to stay and finish school. You can't get a descent job without a high-school diploma and employers may not even look at your resume if they see that you couldn't even finidh HS.
Do home studies or go to room and stay there until they are 18. YOU ARE GRADUATING.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Spoiledbrat Way to motivate!!!😷
Torsten · 36-40, M
the same thing my parents told me. You either get a job or you stay in school
rosyhills · 31-35, F
Ask them what their issue is with high school.
Remind them they can do whatever they want once HS is over.
Let them know that I understand how pointless it all feels.
If possible, I'd see if they can do a 3 year program (like I did).
I was ready to be done with school also
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Start with where they expect to be at thirty.. If they cant think that far ahead, just tell them to repeat opver and over. "Would you like fries with that?"😷
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I would want to have a conversation why and know what their life plan is. I would try to get them to change their mind or at least look into a GED.
Missbirdie1986 · 36-40, F
Make sure they have a back up plan not everyone with a high school diploma do well anyways
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Great. So when do you start work. That college fund will help me get a new vehicle for myself.
justanothername · 51-55, M
Depends how old they are and what sort of job they want to get into when they drop out.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
I'd try to understand why they would want to drop out. Then go from there.
While not optimal, I'd want to know what their plan was.
*smacks child* You're finishing, and that's that!

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