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My daughter 's journal

So a few months ago my daughter councilor suggested she start writing things in a journal. So we picked one out and ordered her cool fancy pens. Well last night she was writing in it and I just happened to take a look.

'Honey what in the world are you writing

It's short hand dad, I didn't want my brother to read it

Where did you learn that

Mostly on you tube and Google
But you can read it anytime you want.

I don't know short hand home

Oh I thought all old people learned it in school. My bad daddy. "

So I guess my daughter thinks I'm old enough to know short hand
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akindheart · 61-69, F
i think that is amazingly smart of her. she can leave it and not worry about anyone reading it. give her a kiss and a hug for being so smart
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
@akindheart I'm very proud that she learned this on her own lol
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Lol what a sweetheart.
They can be so stinkin' brilliant learning stuff on their own like that. 🤩😍

Something you make enjoy doing with her is pass back and forth journal. I got one with my daughter and while we haven't used it much I think it's pretty great.
They make them for Father Daugher relationships too, I just checked on Amazon.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Very clever girl 🙂
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
She's right in that you're old enough. So am I. I intentionally never learned it, because once you learn shorthand, it screws up your spelling.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
No, your daughter was just smart enough to make reference to her brother reading her private thoughts when in fact she was protecting what she had written from her father's prying eyes.
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
@SandWitch trust me I wasn't trying to read what she was writing. It's none of my business unless she shares with me. I only looked because I thought she was doodling or something lol.
They haven't taught shorthand in schools since the 1960's, assuming most girls would go into secretarial. My mother can read it but lost her skill at writing it as most of her bosses used dictaphones. My late ex fiancee could read and write it, it's a lost skill, kudos to your daughter learning it, maybe she could inspire others to learn it as well.

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