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dad please stop

sometimes I just really don't like my dad, I try my best to like him but it all goes down the drain alot. Alot of times we argue about what I wear. Most of the time it's because he thinks the clothes are too 'old' which aren't, they're perfectly in good shape and honestly way prettier than the one he'd pick. And he's so so so persistent about it, gets to a point where he yells and makes up crappy lies just to prove his point. And I know he won't back down, that's why i don't talk back and try suck it up. Sometime he acts like a manchild, he always wants it his way, he never sees it it another's way. He's also a pretty heavy smoker, pretty much of an alcoholic too. Today we went to my grandma's bday party and he got pretty drunked at smoked a ton, and I just got home at 1:20am with him driving, fortunately I didn't die but he hurt a dog while drivingnit slept in the middle of the road. And kind of tried to hit other dogs too that he saw . I really can't do this anymore I can't deal with his crap. He has something against dogs bc he got into a motorcycle crash one time bc a dog suddenly ran into his way and he got pretty injured. I really really hope that dog is okay, I really do I'm so worried I can't deal with these emotions I'm so sorry to that dog God please help ths tpoor dog please heal him, how could he be so cruel the dogs never meant it to happen. I can't do this. I can't deal with his manchild emotions anymore, it drives me crazy dealing with him, I'm just a kid. Lord please help my dad become better, please lord I don't want this, I just want a peaceful life. Sometimes I wish mom was the one taking care of us and dad would be the one working abroad. Lord please heal that dog, please lord. I don't want this I'm just a kid I don't want this at all please please please sometimes he's decent sometimes he's just really out of it. I don't know I really want to be legal soon, hopefully love somewhere that I won't have to deal with his tantrums LORD PLEASE HEAL THAT DOG LORD PLEASE 😭😭😭😭 PLEASE HELP MY DAD REPENT PLEASE MAKE HIM REALIZE WHAT HE DOES IS WRONG PLEASE CHANGE HIM LORD HIS FACE ALWAYS LOOKS HIGH NOW HES SMOKING TOO MUCH LORD PLEASE PLEASE STOP PLEASE STOP PLEASE HELP I DONT WANT THIS I DONT PLEASE I REALLY DON'T PLEASE DONT PLEASE HELP I DONT KNOW😭😭😭😭😭😭 im too tired
Morvoren · F
From Hate 1234? I bet there’s more than one side to this story.
hate1234 · 18-21
@Morvoren 😕
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Your dad hit the dog, not you. From what you've said you're as much a victim as the dog. I'm sorry you're going through this. Your dad has serious problems and it's causing him to be an awful person. Good luck.
Ynotisay · M
You're 18-21? OK. Then it's around the time you need to need start thinking of a way to live on your own or with roommates. Your relationship with your Dad will change.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
You don't need no qualification or a brain to get a woman pregnant. Mediate on that and find a way out. Respect god but do not rely on him any help.
SJones48 · 41-45, M
Feel free to message me if you need to vent. I’m not an expert on anything but I’d like to help
hate1234 · 18-21
right now I think I'm even coming up to a fever, I'm so tired in so many levels
I'm so sorry & share your frustration with someone so low as to purposely hit dogs
My prayers are with you

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