WillaKissing · 56-60, M
I do not know your relationship with the family that adopted you so I cannot answer about walking away from them.
But I would definitely find my birth family for no other reason than to know why I was adopted out, and then familial health issues for the birth family.
But I would definitely find my birth family for no other reason than to know why I was adopted out, and then familial health issues for the birth family.
Sutten · 36-40, F
If you want to find your birth family, that is your decision. If you find them and they happy about it, you could have two sets in your life, who wouldn't want extra love.
kodiac · 22-25, M
Take it from someone that spent 14 years in foster hell praying everyday that i might get adopted you really don't know what your adoptive parents saved you from .
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swirlie · 31-35, F
One person can't do it alone, but it only takes one person to lead an advocacy group which then lobbies the government to take action. But someone has to take the lead for all that to happen and usually that someone is the one who's been there and done that and knows what the score is.
One person can't do it alone, but it only takes one person to lead an advocacy group which then lobbies the government to take action. But someone has to take the lead for all that to happen and usually that someone is the one who's been there and done that and knows what the score is.
Castenmas · M
After they put so many years of their life into providing a home for you and raising you? On the surface that sounds completely heartless.
And to reconnect with someone who gave you away….
And to reconnect with someone who gave you away….
@Castenmas true
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Why do you need to leave your adopted family to find your birth family? Your adopted family will more than likely support you in your search
Why are they mean or something? You don't have to leave one to find the other.. at least you shouldn't have to
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Family is the people that have been there for you.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Family is not necessarily blood.Family is how you are treated
Tumbleweed · F
Why do you keep asking this?
@Tumbleweed exactly
swirlie · 31-35, F
...and then what after you find them? What reaction were you expecting from your birth family?
Iwillwait · M
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
GETz Ur selfZ IntOz De MilitarYz ands NO BonES SpuRZ excUZEZ