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Should i be concerned...?

So the new hubby of almost 1 yr has been working more hours than normal, taking on more shifts at his job, and giving a co worker named CHRISTY a ride home.. she is supposedly without a car..its in the shop..without a ride..her mom n aunt outta town till Tuesday..and her baby dady left her with a 3 month old. She " just needs a ride" and he asked me if it was ok...i asked to speqk to her but magically she has no known phone number 🤔 ...thought, feelings, opinions?
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dale74 · M
Why don't you ask him to bring her by the house for dinner so you can meet her then you can really get a feel for her and see how she acts around him with you there. It's probably nothing most nice guys which is probably why you married him we'll go out of their way to help other people. But if you are concerned say hey why don't you see if Christy would like to come over for dinner one night so I can get to know your coworker.
smallstone · 36-40, F
If he asked you if it was okay, then you should have said no, and spoke to him about the long hours he is working, told him he needs to cut down so that you can spend more time together - you have only been married one year and he behaves in this way?

Christy should get a cab home - if he cuts down on his shifts then he won't be there to give her lift home. Get her out of his life before she (possibly) gets you out of his.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@smallstone wise advice
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
I cant tell you what to do. But as for me, if i felt suspicious i would be honest. I would tell him I'm not okay with that but if you insist on doing it anyway then you won't mind us tracking each other on our phones. I'm not familiar with this girl she could live in a rough neighborhood for all i know or she could set you up to get robbed who knows. Turn on your tracker, give me peace of mind that you aren't carjacked lying in a ditch somewhere. If he says no then you have your answer
If it's just till mom and aunt come home Tuesday, I wouldn't worry about it. Of course, this opinion comes from a formerly naive man who has lost several women by giving them the benefit of the doubt.
I can also say this. Every woman I've ever known named CHRISTY has been pretty good looking.😏
Could be totally innocent. He may just be working more to better provide for you. You wanting to speak to her shows you do not trust him. Careful not to chase him into her arms.
Magenta · F
Well he asked you if it was ok, so he isn't trying to hide it.
If you are that suspicious, play detective and do some surveillance. I would. Opinions here won't change a thing, but evidence will.
Bottom line, I do agree that "no
way to contact her" is odd, but, more importantly

Listen to your spidey-sense;
if it seems "off", it might well be off.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
Do they have Uber in your area?

Her "baby daddy" means she had the kid out of wedlock. Sounds like she might be looking to add another kid to the mix.

Not only SHOULD you be concerned, you should NOT have to feel bad about it.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
@Reason10 This.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
Offer to pick him up at work and take them both home,if he objects to that,then I'd be suspicious.
I think you should meet her and chaperone the "just a ride home".

The spirit is willing [to be good] but the flesh is weak.
invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
Hours would be recorded on paycheck. The fact that he told you instead of not makes is seem innocent to me. I dont understand why you seem not to trust him?
Carazaa · F
yes ofcourse. Have an agreement not to be alone with the opposite gender. She can get another ride.
LadyGrace · 70-79
Yes you def should be concerned.
Kenworth4954 · 56-60, M
Better up your game bby. If you've only been married one year and he's looking?
Kenworth4954 · 56-60, M
@Justmeraeagain everything comes full circle sweety. Accountability is making a comeback keep up bby🌹😘
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Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
@Kenworth4954 *barf* 🤢
daydeeo · 61-69, M
Definitely some red flags. Trust but verify.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Does his paycheck show more hours and shift premiums
Convivial · 26-30, F
It does sound like it could be sussy... But that doesn't mean it is...
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
sHEz RoBBinG UR manZ HunZ, if hEZ Gota MunEYz

if he’s PooR U OkayZ, shEZ Just Be charGinGz for tempoRarY SeXY SErvicE anDZ u WiLLZ Getz him BaX
pdockal · 56-60, M
Follow him after work, see how long he stays.
georgelong · 46-50, M
Is he having less sex with you than before?

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