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well I have finally done it

this morning I came out to my family as my true self and that being Trans species.
I Identify as being a straight Panda now and for the most part is the exact same as I was yesterday except I have a craving for bamboo and a hate for Cis people.

So from now on if anyone gives me any crap here, You are just being a bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, white supremacist and I dont tolerate such hate
so peace and love to everyone except those I just listed

oh my pronouns are mastur/bator
I'm identifying as a strawberry

Anyone want to eat me?
@Torsten you're such a kind panda. We should set up our own parades...what do you think? I think us strawberries and pandas can work together to create a better and more tolerant society, which is free of all hatred and discrimination...especially discrimination toward us
Torsten36-40, M
@SW-User OMG you read my mind. Our own parade sounds magical and inspiring. Strawberries and pandas working together towards a more tolerant society sounds amazing. I am in tears over thinking the positive change this could bring.
You're a amazing strawberry and so happy this site could bring us together
Snuffy195761-69, M
@SW-User I LOVE strawberries 馃馃槝馃構馃構馃構
LOL I needed a good laugh

These people are truly sick in the head like gays. They need mental help instead of forcing society to learn pronouns
popmol22-25, M
@Stargazer89 you put weird pronoun people on the same level as gay people?
@popmol it's all pride BS that is corrupting society
popmol22-25, M
@Stargazer89 so you don't like the over the top stuff but don't mind gays?
You must choose a pronoun, not a noun.
Me too. I love proper everything. @Torsten
@Carissimi everything needs to be changed to help the pride crowd to feel included. They are a bunch of cry babies. If they were normal and straight there would be no issues
Let鈥檚 call the pride crowd their proper name: Neo-Marxist activists. @Stargazer89
I have realized I am a US senator who lost I want my 172k a year plus the 4% annual increase till I die.
Torsten36-40, M
@dale74 ask the rainbow and you shall be rewarded with said salary
TinyViolins31-35, M
Pandas are exceptionally stupid creatures though.

They have to spend upwards of 16 hours a day just eating because bamboo is such a nutritionally poor dietary choice.

Their bodies and digestive tracts are designed to be carnivorous, yet they don't even know how to hunt.

They grow to become such clumsy, uncoordinated animals because they spend so much of their life just sitting around. Their muscles can barely support their enormous weight.

I can't imagine why you would choose to be such a big, dumb animal, but if it suits you then I wish you the best of luck with that
@Torsten you're welcome 馃 sweet panda
Torsten36-40, M
@SW-User such a lovely strawberry

I dentiflys as a man 3 er 4th generations canuck of frenchy decent,
CestManan46-50, F
@checkoutanytime They even brought out the chair! 馃槃 You remember that incident on Geraldo?
@CestManan the broke nose?
CestManan46-50, F
@checkoutanytime Oh yes, remember it was kind of this scandal?
SinlessOnslaught26-30, M
Torsten36-40, M
@SinlessOnslaught those were great haha
Adogslife61-69, M
I鈥檓 really just a big ole hirsute golden retriever.

I鈥檒l wag my tail for almost anyone that鈥檚 not mean. If you鈥檙e mean, that鈥檚 when I鈥檒l bite. If your only an ass, I鈥檒l probably just piss on your new sneakers - while you鈥檙e wearing them.

Identify? I identify as having a female owner with a large house and pool. I only hang out with other purebreds at the dog park. No mutts and none of those annoying tiny yappers. I hate those Karen dogs. Keep your shit to yourself. Nobody cares. STFU.
I applaud your courage and the fact I have to now learn new pronouns (or not)
Torsten36-40, M
@Keeper thankyou its been a emotional morning
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Torsten36-40, M
@BluntSm0ker i dont know what SF is but you are being intolerant and I dont tolerate that. Please send me your name and where you work. I must call your employer and tell them they have a bigot working there. This needs to be corrected otherwise I am protesting
nedkelly61-69, M
So you are a Chinese Panda 馃惣
Torsten36-40, M
@nedkelly a Norwegian panda. One of a kind 馃憤馃槑
RebelFox36-40, F
I鈥檓 so confused 馃槅
Torsten36-40, M
@RebelFox these are confusing times indeed
KiwiDan31-35, M
Congratulations! :D
Torsten36-40, M
@KiwiDan thank you
popmol22-25, M
you'll die.
popmol22-25, M
@Torsten no silly. pandas don't like procreating, you'll die out.
Torsten36-40, M
@popmol oh my bad, I am still learning and I will grow from this mishap on my part. My apologies for the lap of judgement on my behalf
popmol22-25, M
iamonfire69641-45, F
I see so many deleted replies on this post鈥ikes

Pandas are cute though 馃惣
iamonfire69641-45, F
@Torsten thank you for the compliment 馃挅
Torsten36-40, M
@CestManan I think you're correct on that. People in the real world dont care what goes on online and go more off what they see in person.

haha I like it. I shall adopt that identity myself and am now vaccinated 馃ぃ
Torsten36-40, M
@iamonfire696 my pleasure
Fukfacewillie51-55, M
Not your best work. Sorta Trump Jr. style.
Torsten36-40, M
@Fukfacewillie take your bigotry else where bud. This is a thread of love and tolerance
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Torsten36-40, M
@Darksideinthenight2 馃槱 I hope you're incorrect. The world needs more love, happiness and invincibility
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Torsten36-40, M
@Darksideinthenight2 really put a dark vibe on my bright thread here馃ぃ

You're certainly not wrong though
empanadas31-35, M
Fuck I almost choked on the juice I was drinking 馃槀
iamonfire69641-45, F
@empanadas I can just imagine you choking on your juice box 馃ぃ
CestManan46-50, F
@iamonfire696 Oh come on, don't laugh. They let tacobell out of his cage for a while so he comes here, sees this thread and about chokes. :D
iamonfire69641-45, F
@CestManan 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ
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@SW-User Oh, that's not you?! 馃槙

Well, whoever it is, is truly gorgeous. 馃槏

Female... I can tell.
@DffrntDrmmr well if ya want it to be!! Its my spirit animal!! 馃榿馃挅
@SW-User I do want it to be.
Torsten, exotic and others have just come out. So brave. I support all who identify as they fantasize... pandas, strawberries, you know, whatever. I support them all as they eradicate heterosexuals, families and the whole oppresdive normalcy thing from the face of the Earth.

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