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What is the sweetest thing you remember your mom doing for you?

We grew up with nothing. My mom earned but she tried to keep us afloat. A packet of chips and a canned soda was only visible at home when we had school trips because my mom didn't want us to feel left out when all the other kids ate.

Given how life was, my mom would bring home the food/snacks given to her at work during parties. She would give it to us because she felt bad we wouldn't be able to have them so she'd not consume it but bring it for us.

What's the sweetest thing you remember your mom/dad doing for you?
We didn't have much when I was a kid, my dad bolted as soon as he found out I was on my way, my mother brought me up on her own, worked stupid hours so I wouldn't miss out. One time she worked so many hours and kept a little money to the side and she purchases a VHS player and rented the film Flight of the Navigator, she bought me popcorn and chocolate and she said sorry I can't afford the cinema all the time so I brought the cinema to you. Wonderful woman, she'd walk around with holes in her shoes and clothes to make sure I was ok.
@SW-User 🤗
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@SW-User 🤗🤗🤗
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
Abandoning me when I got sick and telling me it would be noble to kill myself because I became worthless 🥴
@SwampFlower Package up $10,000 and burn it in front of her.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@SwampFlower I'm so sorry. She sounds narcissistic
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@SwampFlower I'm sorry to hear that you're a good person in the time I've known you here. I'm sorry you had to deal with someone like that 🤗
One of the many sweet things - I was 17 and waitressing. There was a flu going around and on Mother's Day every waitress but me called in sick. I worked madly from 8 am to 10 pm. When I got home, Dad was stirring hot chocolate on the stove and Mom was drawing me a bath. It was sweet. It was them.
Another. My Dad was a Baptist preacher and we lived in the country. He wanted us to have an idea that there was a bigger world out there, even if he couldn't afford to show it to us.

Once every couple of months we would have an 'international dinner.' He would create his impression of a meal from a different country. Unfortunately, he had never experienced cuisine from other countries, so he winged it.

For example, our first taste of 'Mexican food' was baked beans wrapped in pancakes. This does not a burrito make.

But it was still sweet.
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@Mamapolo2016 This is so precious. Probably one of my favorites from your family.
@SwampFlower 😂 Dad.
tiggerandariel13 · 41-45, MVIP
when my girlfriend and I became parents for the 1st time she stayed with us for a month to help us as first time parents
Ingwe · F
I did not eat beef and she cooked separate meals for me
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@Ingwe Very similar. I still don't eat meat and she'll ensure to make me something without meat.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@Ingwe my very conservative grandmother did this for me too. looking back now it was very cute
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
This sounds like my mom. She worked three jobs to keep a roof over our head because my father was a deadbeat with his child support and drove a Corvette and lived in a big house. I’m so glad he’s dead now.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@Keepitsimple My dad's dead too. He wanted to leech off my mother and he expected her to give her salary to him. She fought back and raised my sister and I with the little she earned.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I loved reading everyone's comments about their parents.

There isn't really one sweet thing I can recall my mom doing for me. She did so many things for me, all the time. She bought me pretty much everything I wanted, she drove me everywhere I wanted to go, she came to all of my music recitals and dance, skating, and gymnastics competitions. She spent alot of time with me when I was younger.
@Jenny1234 That is a sweet story. There needs to be a green with envy emoji here
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@fernie2 she was really great. She changed a lot though once I reached around 14. She became very controlling and started saying a lot of things to me that were not nice. I’m not sure what happened
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
@Jenny1234 Could have been Alzheimer's. The sweetest pf caregivers could change in a minute. Thank God my parents were normal.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
My mother seemed to know when I was in 5th grade if I really wanted something. I would never tell her and never even hinted at or wrote down what I wanted. Our father gave us a small allowance and took back half of it every time so there wasn’t money to buy the things I wanted. She would start offering me rewards if I found something she had misplaced and I got enough money ,to the penny including sales taxes, to purchase the item I wanted. By the 3rd time this happened I was sure she was reading my mind, too many to be a coincidence.
Miram · 31-35, F

My older sister stole food to feed me. And money to take me to a singing competition.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@Miram your sister sure loved you!!
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@Miram I'm sorry for that but your sister did love you. She sounds more like your parent than a sibling.
Miram · 31-35, F
@Beatbox34 Yes, she was amazing
She played "Sweet Georgia Brown" on her uke...just for me.

But despite the countless lovely moments (and they were countless) I had with her, remembering it all makes me very sad.

I was sad when most of thse lovely moments happened too.
4meAndyou · F
My Mom was not a sweet person. But I do remember one thing, in retrospect, that was brave and kind of scrappy that she did for me. After the 2nd ex jimmied open the back door to our house and stole most of the appliances, my Mother came over and told me we had to sleep on the floor in the kitchen to make sure he didn't come in and steal the rest of it. The courts had ordered that the appliances were all supposed to be mine.

And she did. She slept all night on the floor in the kitchen, with me, and nothing happened.
The things that matter most to me are things that happened when I was too young to remember... but, my mom loved to bake and always did a great job of it. Once, I came home from school to find a pile of cake pieces of varying shapes and sizes. At the top of this mountain was a card that read "golden memories". It still makes me smile. :)
My mom sounds a lot like yours. Very giving.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@SW-User We didn't have a lot but my mom tried to make it up for that with food and love.

We lived in a very small apartment on rent and she'd tell us to study well so that we'd be able to watch a movie on HBO on Saturdays.
4meAndyou · F
@SW-User As I hear more and more of these stories, memories are beginning to return. I thought my mother had been entirely awful and selfish, but I guess I was wrong. I JUST remembered that when I was about 10 I was sick for a long time and missed a lot of school, and my mother actually made a log cabin out of two pieces of buttered toast for me.
That’s a sweet memory. Mine did so many nice things. I miss her.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@1234567890a I'm sorry for your loss.
My mum would take me out shopping once every while and she would encourage me to buy whatever I want,never spending anything on herself. She would also take me to do facial therapies with her and generally tried to install in me the importance of taking care of yourself and being financially independent to do be able to do those things for you,without having to have the approval or "allowance" of a partner. My dad would function on 3/4 hours of sleep every night due to the nature of his job,sometimes working for 16 hours straight. He would still cook homemade food for us and bring food to my mum's workplace on her breaks ,take us to all of our activities outside of school and just generally always worked very hard and it pushed us to do so too
My mom took the last five dollars out of her wallet to buy my brother a sandwich.

I got mad at them both. My brother for taking my moms last five dollars, and my mom for being financially irresponsible 😆
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
It's a terrible thing to mention either ?both parents as a bitter memory "they died".

My father died of a heart attack in the hospital in 2003. My mom died in her sleep without warning in 1984. I didn't expect either occurence and miss both of them very, very badly.
@MaryJanine Did you love them? Did they love you? My father was a drunk. Left us when I was born. No siblings, I thought...then at 20 my crazy, extremely violent mother was pissed because I disagreed with something she said and the next morning there was one of her horribly mean notes that said " I should have kept Patti and given YOU away" in giant, angry vicious letters. I was stunned. I asked some questions of course...i always longed for a sister...she said "none of your effing business." If she wasn't beating me she was calling me the C word and telling me how I ruined her life. I was DELIGHTED when she died. My feelings are perfectly valid.How nice that you and your parents had a good relationship...many of us never had that experience. Don't judge what you don't have a clue about
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
@fernie2 My father was an alcoholic for the first twenty years of my life. When he showed up reeling drunk at work after a night of drinking, his boss took him asidde and told him if he showed up like that again, he was through. He quit cold turkey that same night.

Mom was wonderful. I'm so sorry your mother was the way she was. It isn't easy to live with an alcoholic of either sex (ask my stepsister and brothers) but, damm, she did it and she did it without complaint. Yes, I loved them with all my heart. I was never called the C word or faced with angry notes. When my father stopped drinking, the personality change was like night and day. he was a marvelous father, stepfather and grandfather until the day he died.

MY mom was gone three years when I received a phone call and followup letter from some blonde in Las Vegas, claiming that my mom was also hers. She claimed she had "proof" and sent me a letter saying she was my older sister (but she never mentioned my stepsister or brothers). She was blonde; my mom, sister and I were all brownette. She had blue eyes; my mom, sister and I were brown-eyed. She was baptiszed Catholic; my mom was Lutheran and didn't convert until she and Daddy began talking marriage. I told her to leave me alone or else the next letter she got would be from my attorney.

Did I love my mom and dad? I certainly did - both of them without stint. After the alcoholic years, Dad was the best man I could ask for. I "had a clue" as you seem to think. I wouldn't want to relive those years over again, but I'm not sorry I experienced them either.
@MaryJanine I really apologize for thinking/saying you had no certainly DO!For a minute, at age 8, I adored my father when he came around (rarely) He would take me out on a Saturday sometimes. We would go to the Golden Cafe in Boston, a small, dark, dive and he would drink Seagram 7 & Ginger ale and I would sit in a booth eating mega potato chips. Then we would go to his bowling alley in his green EDSEL and watch him bowl with his team...eating potato chips. To this day I love it when someone smells like Old Spice and has Whiskey breath. Then he disappeared. I'm so glad your Dad fixed his life. A bit late but...
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
Helped raised my kids while I got my sh!t together
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
she let me freely express myself
What is this d-a-d you speak of? The sweetest thing my mother ever did for me was to die.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@fernie2 It's okay. I really do understand you. When one deals with it firsthand then they'll get it. I used to tell it to my then friends when I was younger and they all called me out for trashing him. I stopped it at a certain point. I still don't talk about him a lot to anyone anymore.

I am free from him but his blunders caught up to me even after he died. He screwed up so much in life and it eats me to see that guy didn't even do one thing right which is making my life painful. That's my only gripe. I'm trying to fix it. Tbh I never want to remember him at times.
@Beatbox34 I hear that. Isn't it incredible the amount of damage one person can do to others. It IS a lifetime struggle to be completely free of those memories. Even so, we are both survivors.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@fernie2 It is. They lived to break us and now that they're gone, they left it harder for us.
Beautywithin · 36-40, F
Sweet f all... she has never been in my life
thats such a sweet mom
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@Dewms Thank you 🙂
gave me my baby sisters
curiosi · 61-69, F
She finally died! Waited 60 years for that prayer to be answered!
@curiosi Ditto!!
Manfredthemanic · 16-17, M
When I had a bad day, she let me stay off school and take me on a drive so no one knew.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
I honestly cannot remember anything which really bothers me. She died when I was five.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@ViciDraco I'm really sorry to hear that 🤗

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