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The lesbians have returned 😒

And if there's one thing that has ever hurt my manliness more than anything... it's the lesbians

Why does this happen to me?
I dunno. But does it shatter my soul
Yes. Yes it does

Do I wanna talk about it?


Will I?
Honestly, I might tbh ,_,
If I like you and you ask politely
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Exfuckingcuse me
Iwantyourhotwife · 22-25
@Gangstress I should be asking to be excused after what I've been through 😤

But the excuse I shall provide you is that you dunno what the lesbian did to me ;-;
familyfunguy · 56-60, M
Possibly no real lesbians on here, but men with autogynephilia posing as them.
Iwantyourhotwife · 22-25
@familyfunguy been quite the concern of mine. However, I am also sus of you having Scully as a profilenpic too >_>

Ain't nobody safe on this site
familyfunguy · 56-60, M
@Iwantyourhotwife Scully? Here she is.

But I wouldn't be caught dead paying to see content like Daisy's Destruction, even if I could be 100% sure that there would be no consequences for me.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@Iwantyourhotwife that guys a girl btw
Coz shots fired

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