Dream interpretation? Usually I do my own interpretations, but having trouble with this one.
I dreamed that I had three beautiful blonde daughters. One of them was a teenager and a cheerleader, and she got herself into legal trouble, and I had to travel to Boston to attend a press conference about her trial, with her lawyer, at a motel.
I parked my car, and entered the motel, and the press were seated around the edges of the motel room, but I noticed that there were toads and lizards everywhere in the room! I decided they needed to be rescued! I had an overnight case with me, and I began gathering up all the toads and lizards and putting them in my overnight case. I noticed in the dream that all the toads and lizards were warm, and soft...and almost felt like silk or fur.
I filled up my overnight case, and there were still more toads...which the press had begun to gather up for me, so that I could rescue them, but I had to wrap them in plastic wrap as I had no other carrier or case.
I could not sleep properly after that, because I realized that all the toads and lizards were inside wraps and my overnight case without air holes, and they were now locked in the trunk of my car, and I didn't know where to take them to save them. I feared they would be dead of suffocation by the time I got them to a pet store with a big aquarium to hold them...and I felt horribly, horribly guilty for making such a horrible mistake.
Would appreciate any insight you might have if you are familiar with dream interpretation.
I parked my car, and entered the motel, and the press were seated around the edges of the motel room, but I noticed that there were toads and lizards everywhere in the room! I decided they needed to be rescued! I had an overnight case with me, and I began gathering up all the toads and lizards and putting them in my overnight case. I noticed in the dream that all the toads and lizards were warm, and soft...and almost felt like silk or fur.
I filled up my overnight case, and there were still more toads...which the press had begun to gather up for me, so that I could rescue them, but I had to wrap them in plastic wrap as I had no other carrier or case.
I could not sleep properly after that, because I realized that all the toads and lizards were inside wraps and my overnight case without air holes, and they were now locked in the trunk of my car, and I didn't know where to take them to save them. I feared they would be dead of suffocation by the time I got them to a pet store with a big aquarium to hold them...and I felt horribly, horribly guilty for making such a horrible mistake.
Would appreciate any insight you might have if you are familiar with dream interpretation.