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Dream interpretation? Usually I do my own interpretations, but having trouble with this one.

I dreamed that I had three beautiful blonde daughters. One of them was a teenager and a cheerleader, and she got herself into legal trouble, and I had to travel to Boston to attend a press conference about her trial, with her lawyer, at a motel.

I parked my car, and entered the motel, and the press were seated around the edges of the motel room, but I noticed that there were toads and lizards everywhere in the room! I decided they needed to be rescued! I had an overnight case with me, and I began gathering up all the toads and lizards and putting them in my overnight case. I noticed in the dream that all the toads and lizards were warm, and soft...and almost felt like silk or fur.

I filled up my overnight case, and there were still more toads...which the press had begun to gather up for me, so that I could rescue them, but I had to wrap them in plastic wrap as I had no other carrier or case.

I could not sleep properly after that, because I realized that all the toads and lizards were inside wraps and my overnight case without air holes, and they were now locked in the trunk of my car, and I didn't know where to take them to save them. I feared they would be dead of suffocation by the time I got them to a pet store with a big aquarium to hold them...and I felt horribly, horribly guilty for making such a horrible mistake.

Would appreciate any insight you might have if you are familiar with dream interpretation.
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V00doo Best Comment
You're hiding something that others might judge you for. You're scared it'll come out but its part of you that you care for.
@4meAndyou WAIT. I take that back.

No. It's good :) Adapatation and fertility - new things coming :)
4meAndyou · F
@V00doo They were SO soft and warm and even felt furry in my dream...and I felt sooo awful that I forgot to punch air holes in my bags full of them...😢😢😢
@4meAndyou Look after your dreams :)

naughtyschoolboy · 56-60, M
Well, if you proceed along the lines that every part of a dream represents, in symbolic form, aspects of your being... animate and inanimate... then the daughter AND the toads and lizards are a part of your being.

The symbolism is there to create layers of truth our ordinary ego is unaware of. In fact dreams ONLY bring to the surface what we're unaware of... they never tell us what we already know.

I, myself, am a psychotherapist with over 30 years of experience, schooled in both Jungian analysis, and spiritual & mythological symbolism.

So the daughter part of you is in legal trouble... legal, mind you, mot moral. She may have broken the rules, but the law is not about justice. It's about rules. A question arises: has she also broken a moral, God-given law, or just an ethical, societal one?

Ask yourself also about these dream daughters. Do you HAVE blonde and beautiful daughters, or are they a dream creation, in whole or part? If you have daughters, the dream may also be referring to one of them, as a reference point... something you project onto her.

She is also a cheerleader... so she is solar (blonde), ideal and mainstream (cheerleader). A golden girl. So... in what way is the golden girl in you in trouble? What societal 'rule' is she breaking?

Toads and lizards are reptilian, cold-blooded creatures, associated with our more unfeeling (cold-blooded) primitive self... so in this context, in the motel room, they are a shadowy intrusion into a transitional (motel room) civilised place in your soul.

But by dealing with them the way that you did, you repress them... you deny them air. You are trying to 'package' them away. Some instinct is being repressed here, as you try to redeem the golden part of your self-image.

Ask yourself what unfeeling, primitive instinct might not accord with your golden, inner ideal?

That ideal is already in trouble, before the lizards appear... so the lizards are message number 2. The legal issue is message number 1.

If we repress what's instinctual, because of a belief system, it can eventually somatise into a physical problem... ie proliferate, like the toads and lizards. What was once just one problem area, is now everywhere.

It's a wake-up kind of dream... try to be honest and acknowledge what you're repressing. Bring it into the light rather than stifle it.

There... I hope that helps!
Ananke · 26-30, F
It is a typical stress dream. You feel you have too much on your plate. Having too many animals to care for and not caring for them well is a common stress dream for animal lovers 🙂

Note though that the dream seems to derail into a stress dream. That suggests to me there was some psychic content you didn't want to deal with.

Have you been dealing with any legal trouble yourself lately? I am curious to know why your brain didn't feel comfortable letting you attend that trial.
Adrift · 61-69, F
If the dream is reoccurring than there is something that could be bothering you.
If not, probably could just mean that you fell asleep with the TV on.
bowman81 · M
Stop eating spicy food before bed.
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
You wouldn’t like my interpretation…

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