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That’s probably the only thing that would protect a woman’s right to choose at this point. Because people are actively trying to take away women’s reproductive rights.
Reversing Roe has set women’s rights back 50 years.
Reversing Roe has set women’s rights back 50 years.
Dino11 · M
@bijouxbroussard I think the SCOTUS overstepped it's bounds and fairness.
bijouxbroussard · F
@Dino11 Absolutely. If it’s true that Justice Thomas has "declared war on liberals" by his own words, he should be removed from the bench, because that would be clear intent of an agenda that circumvents the Constitution.
His being married to a conservative activist who supported Jan 6 is a conflict of interest, anyway.
His being married to a conservative activist who supported Jan 6 is a conflict of interest, anyway.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Yes. That's what women's rights is all about. Nobody restricts a man's right to get a vasectomy something that is more permanent at preventing a child over time than an abortion.
If the "Christians" want so badly to have children gambolling about they should outlaw vasectomy's.
If the "Christians" want so badly to have children gambolling about they should outlaw vasectomy's.
bijouxbroussard · F
@Longpatrol Don’t give them the idea.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
Yes, but also like all other amendments, there should be some limitations regarding late-stage abortions if the fetus is viable and able to survive outside the host.
Personally, I think it's completely absurd that the combination of one egg and one sperm cell is given preferential treatment over the living, breathing, thinking, feeling woman that it's leeching resources from
Personally, I think it's completely absurd that the combination of one egg and one sperm cell is given preferential treatment over the living, breathing, thinking, feeling woman that it's leeching resources from