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@Mountainlady16 Are you really that insensitive? What on Earth is your problem?

What on Earth is your problem?

Someone dared to criticize trump. This typically sends her into a rage

Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
There's no level to which Trump wouldn't lower himself.. the man is beyond vile.. and his hateful supporters condone this, because they are like him..ill-mannered, ignorant.. and really not at all bright
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QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@Mountainlady16 🙄🙄🙄🙄
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Why would you expect common decency from this particular person? He has never displayed it before.
Mountainlady16 · 22-25, F
@QuixoticSoul he does to people that deserve it
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I'm never surprised at anything he says. He's a no class act.

What I don't understand is people supporting & defending such hate filled rhetoric.
Fernie · F
yep.....nothing unusual for that demon
Piper · 61-69, F
I did. I often think I can no longer be at all shocked, by the level of hateful, petty spitefulness the man will stoop to. He almost outdid himself this time, though.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
@Piper Yeah, I don't know why I was so shocked lol.
Piper · 61-69, F
@SubstantialKick I was a bit shocked also, by the particular vileness of this one. I know I shouldn't have been, after how he kept mocking and demeaning John McCain shortly after he died.
maxeen · 61-69, F
hey....wait. libs believe in HELL?
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@maxeen are you actually implying that it is impossible to be liberal and Christian? Because that would be Bsolutepy the dumbest thing I have seen online today and trust me...there is a lot of dumb shit online.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@maxeen This is a dick move in any atheist’s book too 🤷‍♂️
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@maxeen No but the Right-wing-nut-jobs sure seem to.
What did the Congresswoman's late husband ever do to Trump? Seriously, Trump has some anger issues he need to fix.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@SW-User He was a democrat 🤷‍♂️
Peppa · 31-35, F
Haha and this is the scum they voted in presidency.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
@Peppa And they support him no matter what level he stoops to...
Peppa · 31-35, F
@SubstantialKick i think the higher being came and too all his disciples already you know...
He's an embarrassment. And I say that as a conservative.
He's a dick, we all know it.
maxeen · 61-69, F
"what do you want....DEAD COPS....when do you want them....NOW"....

where was your problem with that?
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@maxeen Everybody had a problem with that 🤷‍♂️

At approximately the three-minute mark, the narrator notes that the “dead cops” clip captured a small group of protesters who hung around after the end of the Millions March in December 2014 and were disavowed by the organizers of that event, while video of the official Millions March event shows that it was a peaceful protest

Nice whataboutism though.
maxeen · 61-69, F
I guess that's why you put laughing emojis on my comment of Steve Scalise being shot up on the ballfield.....

don't pretend YOU care about dead police officers and laugh at the attempt to kill Republican congressmen.....

QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@maxeen I laughed at your completely ridiculous interpretation of that rather unpleasant incident.

The Democrats man who shot up the ball field and almost killed Scalise...didn't get what they want done....they are dangerous and will keep over running the constitution...they'll mow down anybody who gets in their way

This is absolutely crazy, you know. Utterly detached from reality.
Peaches · F
YES, 😠he was as tacky as ever...not a bit of class!
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
hahaha oh my god
ClanNaFiacaillApWythe · 51-55, M
He is a mean one, yes.
DDonde · 31-35, M
Why do we care at this point? Whatever line there was, it was crossed a long time ago. I don't know why people continue to be shocked by this man. It's the same damn thing over and over.
@DDonde Trump gossip and drama is nearly everywhere. 🤦‍♀️
DDonde · 31-35, M
@SW-User If people want to report on it, fine. But I wish people would stop pretending like we all have had our heads in the sand for the past three years. Acting like everything is normal.
@DDonde Many people just can't get over it. They care too much about things that do not benefit their personal life. And they want to show it to people just to spark more fire.
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SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout So if your wife passed away, you wouldn't mind if someone said that about her? I know what it's like to lose a loved one and that ain't cool.
@SubstantialKick I wouldn’t go flapping my gums at a guy who comments back..
personal choices..
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout You didn't answer my question though...

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