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How many people do you think you have hurt in your lifetime?

Do you regret any of them ?
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Wireman · 31-35, M
two, and I do regret it. I should have been more thoughtful. It was my loss, and I think there's too.
I'd say probably a lot. Things that I'm not aware of but that doesn't mean it invalidates the pain they've felt.
Yes I regret doing or speaking things so carelessly. You never know what personal struggles people are battling. I wish them peace, tho.
seaglass · F
I dunno how many, but a few I do regret and one of them didn't deserve it at all. I will die ruing the day I fell from grace, it's true... and I accept my penance
I know of some, I’m sure there’s probably more, I have been broken and very angry most of life, started working on myself in my 20’s and still working on myself.
@SW-User most of us are a work in included
@pripyatamusementpark yes we are, we were raised by a messed up generation. Mine were alcoholics and drug addicts. My mother always hated me and was very abusive.
@SW-User I was raised by parents who did the best the could with what they knew ...which wasn't much
I will always deeply regret the pain I caused my mom because despite her unwavering support, I was never able to get a consistent, long term handle on my depression. Tremendous guilt about that.
I regret hurting those I've I hurt, although hasn't been many. I'm usually on the receiving end.

They apologize, but if it becomes a habit for them, the apology is just empty words to me
@Bexsy I get that
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@Bexsy Yes many apologies are empty words. I have received them and I have used them myself to end a fued while turning my back thinking I still don't like you.
So many, I have no regrets, I kept my heart right.
Frostcloud · F
i hurt my mom and a girl i was friends with as a kid and i wish i could change everything about those situations. in high school another girl left me the kindnest note i had ever recieved and i wish i thanked her (i didnt know how). two other friends i ended up hurting by separating myself from them.. but only after being mistreated for years
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Maybe two. One failed romantic relationship, one failed work situation. Both were well intended, but left the other person feeling hurt. I regret the loss of those two friendships but I don’t regret having made the necessary decisions.
A few. Yes, I regret it.
Mayyyybe 1 . I just regret giving them attention. But me walking out was the best thing I could’ve done for myself.
craig7 · 70-79, M
I have no idea,but they would be very few - but either way,no regrets whatever.
HannahSky · F
Many. I only regret the ones who matter to me. I don't like hurting people really.
@HannahSky I don't think most people enjpy hurting others but we all do it in one way or another
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
At one point or another, probably every one of them. Yup….I know. 🫤
A few. Some directly and on purpose, others unintentionally
Kiesel · 56-60, M
Not sure how many
Yes, there are some I deeply regret… deeply
Pain is a part of life. Sometimes we get hurt. Sometimes we do the hurting. Sometimes, it's actually for a reason, even if we don't fully understand it.

Try not to dwell on it. Just move forward.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
Right now it's 107 to 102, There winning but it's pretty close. I could even it up before the weekend if I really tried I suppose!
Zero. I never meant anything to anybody. 🤷
disturbedchicken · 31-35, F
If I ever hurt somebody it's because they deserved it they made me get to that point.
unintentionally many, i don’t regret it, they need to learn just as i learn from others. if it was intentional, then yes i regret it, but also depends what it was.
@deathfairy Best Comment
DDonde · 31-35, M
Don't know. Yes.
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@OogieBoogie I understand that

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