dale74 · M
Unfortunately I know what you mean I would love to have another kid but I don't want to have one too much longer from now because I want to make sure I see the kids grow up. Good luck to you good luck to me. I have one kid she's fixing to turn 11
Gibbon · 70-79, M
I've been reading your previous posts and replies and bluntly you have been told what you should do but haven't. The best thing you could do starting today is to simply stop broadcasting your self hatred and change that profile pic. If you can't find something to be satisfied with yourself no one else ever will.
justbob · 61-69, M
You poor dear! Such a bad self image when there is really nothing wrong with you. Not everyone is a model not everyone is slender/ Marilyn Monroe was a bit chubby but has always been seen as sexy.
Accept yourself and you will be much more attractive to others
Accept yourself and you will be much more attractive to others
RedBaron · M
I know plenty of single people who have adopted and raised children to become happy, successful adults.
Considering you’ve been posting similar things for the past 6 years, motherhood not becoming a reality might just be for the best. A child deserves a mentally healthy parent and you show no signs of moving in that direction.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
I can introduce you to Kash Patel. He's from Pakistan.
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
Same. 33 this year, and it's not happening any time soon
DjBubu6011 · 31-35, MNew
@KiwiDan slow down mate, we men have a privilege of longer fertility. We just might have to marry someone younger when we wanna have children lol
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
@DjBubu6011 lol maybe. But nobody's ever wanted me in real life so I doubt anything will ever happen for me
DjBubu6011 · 31-35, MNew
@KiwiDan oh don’t say that! If you have that mindset, you deff will manifest zero! Peace and blessings bro!
Justausualguy41 · 31-35, M
You can still try with someone and enjoy the motherhood.
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
me too. Nobodyishome for me. :)
666 guy couldn’t be found !