SarahAndSamantha · 51-55, T
Black Mirror was very hit and miss for me. Some episodes I absolutely loved, like White Bear and USS Callister. The ones I didn't love, like The National Anthem were a complete slog to get through
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SarahAndSamantha · 51-55, T
@Nebula lol, those first four are some of the worst in my opinion. If you like Star Trek at all, especially the first version, you might wanna check out USS Callister.
Nebula · 41-45, F
@SarahAndSamantha ok I will
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
@SarahAndSamantha I loved that show!
Ducky · 31-35, F
That’s why I go by reviews. Both critic and audience reviews.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Nebula 🤷♂️suppose it is a case of each too there own some like things others do not
Nebula · 41-45, F
@smiler2012 yeah that's true
Templar2x · 46-50, M
Shows are based on personal taste so it’s not always great for everyone. That being said, what types of movies do you enjoy? That would help make a better recommendation.
So what kind of shows do you like?

I lost interest in it already it was meh
I like Black Mirror 🫤
Pretzel · 61-69, M
I hate when people tell me
You HAVE to watch this - you're GONNA LOVE it.
no I don't have to
and unless you read tea leves I'LL decide if I like it or not
You HAVE to watch this - you're GONNA LOVE it.
no I don't have to
and unless you read tea leves I'LL decide if I like it or not

Black mirror isn't for everyone.
fun4us2b · M
Funny you say that - I just tried succession - watched 3 episodes so far and the people are idiots and that is not how things are...but it's so popular, I'll try one more....
I agree with the others, Black Mirror is hit n miss - I only watched a few...and mostly not all the way through...
I agree with the others, Black Mirror is hit n miss - I only watched a few...and mostly not all the way through...

I don't watch many shows.

@Nebula Like finding ways to take funny pictures of Hammy? 😅
Nebula · 41-45, F
@SW-User I do other stuff 🫤 I have a whole life you guys don't know about

@Nebula I figured. Me too.
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
Most people have shit taste. We are all wired differently. The only way you can be fairly certain of a recommendation about anything is if the person is someone you know to share your tastes.
Nebula · 41-45, F
@Muthafukajones yeah that's true
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Nebula · 41-45, F
@Darksideinthenight2 I'm balls deep In it
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Nebula · 41-45, F
@Darksideinthenight2 Im not sure, I'll check later my kids are watching something