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Are You Easily 'Triggered'?

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If so, why?
I ask simply because many of my posts here elicit angry responses, and I don't know why. I mean, ALL I do is challenge widely-accepted beliefs that to me seem insane. It's nothing personal, but people take it that way. It's almost as though they can't handle the thought, the mere possibility, of being wrong about something. Are their egos really so fragile?
That's not me in the photo, by the way.
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You post falsehoods that need to be corrected so people aren't misled.
Whoever still posts that picture needs to be sterilized.
@BohemianBabe It conveys how easily too many get offended from the dumbest things.
@NativePortlander1970 How edgy of you. 🙄
It is a pretty famous photo, and I’ve seen a few second gif of the same.
I feel sorry for this lady because he’s been spread all over the place. I wish we didn’t use the word trigger, in psychotherapeutic all clinical settings it is a very specific meaning, something that reactivate a trauma. In our common usage, it just means something that pisses you off. I think this is a diminishment of the term. But I certainly know your point.
To challenge their treasured worldview, is sufficient to make many people lose their intellect. I think this is a sign of a weak mind
You go right ahead and keep on challenging them maybe it will help them grow
pdockal · 56-60, M
Im not commenting on the content of your posts

But people don't enjoy when someone challenges their opinions and in today's WOKE society were NOT allowed to think for ourselves and come to our own conclusions

. . . asked the easily offended conservative, LOL!!!

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carnallcpl · 26-30, C
I have some very weak trigger points but I have found my way to work around them (control the response) because i observed that people around me have got the knowledge of those points and love to just poke sometimes
many of my posts here elicit angry responses, and I don't know why.
Because very few people here will read the entire post before they reply. There are many cleverly written posts where one has to read between the lines and think about what the post is really asking or saying.

Social media is where many people come to run away from the truth and reality. When their applecart is upset, even by the first three words in a post, they feel guilty, persecuted, go into a defensive panic, and crumble. Then, when they realize they screwed up, they try to put words in your mouth to save face. Classic human psychology is most entertaining. 😂
jehova · 31-35, M
I try to remain rational. I have this experience sometimes too. My rationale is the questioning of such long held widely accepted concepts beliefs and idea result in a sort of feeling attacked bc thats the way it is the way it has always been and the way it will always be therefore my conclusion is its fear that causes their anger or knee jerk response
Blondily · F
Maybe something happened to them in their childood that triggers them like over protective or ovely strict parents, child abuse, etc. I've seen how it makes people overly sensitive. Its a shame...
Josh1454 · M
Absolutely not.
Sleepysheep · 26-30, M
No I’m not but I seem to trigger people for some reason.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
the greenies, feminists, woketards, etc. get triggered easily not so much because their egos are fragile, but because their beliefs are so weak...

I will express my disagreement openly, but I don't react with insults and hostility, which is how I choose to interpret "triggered".

I notice that there's a certain tendency among some to react to ideas different from their own by accusing the person presenting them of being brainwashed, an idiot, and then focusing in on their age, their writing style, or something else completely unrelated to what they're expressing. Anything to distract from the fact that they've been unsettled by exposure to a different worldview.
Neoerectus · M
Only by horrendous corporate "customer service" designed to stifle real customer service...
Honestly, I don’t get triggered by strangers that much. I learned to just walk away when I can, rather than wasting my energy on a random stranger, unless it somehow gets physical in the real world. I only get triggered by people I care about that say or do something stupid because I do care about their wellbeing. It’s like I have the need to correct them, while with strangers idgaf.
Atlotto · M
Not at all.
AdaXI · T
@Atlotto You are one of the few people online that really doesn't give a flying f%k.
Maybe. If someone expresses opinions that seem extremely ignorant or hateful to me, it’s generally easier to block them than to get into some prolonged internet battle. I’m not changing their minds, they’re not changing mine, no harm no foul. 🤔
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
Probably cause you're a damn stinking commie lol
It depends on the subject of the post, and how it's presented. I'm Gen X and tend to brush most things off, however if I see outright abusive trolling, or anything that's pure horse shit, I will speak my mind.

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