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Finally did it..

Walked 2 miles today. Full disclosure I ate two bags of chips prior to it, so I'm sure I'm in the negative. But hey... it's a start.
Yes it is!! 🤗
Blanchy · 31-35, F
That's great, and honestly I'm sure it doesn't matter if you eat something unhealthy sometimes, as long as you're overall healthy. You'll know that you're leading an unhealthy lifestyle if you suddenly need several types of daily pills to feel good. (x
@Blanchy Good point. BUt I need to up my water intake. Not doing too well with that.
Blanchy · 31-35, F
@SW-User I used to do really well with that for a couple of years, but now I'm back to forgetting drinking water. /=
Ran two miles in the countryside. Then bran, an omelette, the yoghurt. Two coffees. Such is diabetes two.

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