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How do you have time for strenuous exercise, not just walking the dog, when spending so much time on social media?

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AbbeyRhode · F
Unfortunately, I don't. I'm a caregiver, on duty 24/7/365. I can pop on here while doing other tasks, but I have no time for much else.
AnnMayonaise · 22-25, F
They don't. They just claim to.
@AnnMayonaise No. I really do.
Magenta · F
[image/video deleted]
I'm not on SoMe that much, but do make an effort at the gym when I'm not gaming or working
Simple. I take a break from social media.
Magenta · F
Easy, I log off and take the time. It's a must for me.
GLITTER · 36-40, F
You log off and you go and do things
DDonde · 31-35, M
I'm about to do it right now during my lunch break

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