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PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
My people are a part of this land from the first sunrise that melted the snows on the highest mountains. Which caused the rivers to run and carry life to every creature big and small. So that we can say that Mother Earth's life flows in our veins. And cleanses our spirits when we drink.
CheekyBadger · M
I do but not because my ancestors were from here - they weren't but when I sit somewhere in the open naked and feel the wind on my skin and warmth on my body and listen to the sounds around me then I do.
Bri89 · 31-35, M
No, I don't. Humans are not trees, we aren't meant to put up roots. We should keep on moving and traveling for as long as we can.
I do
bijouxbroussard · F
I’m so far away from where my distant ancestors were it would be like another planet.
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