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Last week , I joined the gym

I have to mentally prepare myself every time I go , but I do like the gym. I motivate myself by treating myself to coffee from my local coffee shop. I joined mainly to use the pool. I can now swim the whole pool and back without stopping. On my front and back. Im not an very good swimmer that is why I get worried about swimming at the gym. The water isnt deep but I get worried because Im worried about getting bullied. I hope I never do get any problems , I just worry as Im not very good at swimming. I swim in the family side of the pool for that reason , instead of the lane part. I cant swim breaststroke yet but I will get there. Im still adjusting to going to the gym , It took me two months before I felt ready to go.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
I hate the gym, I hate running, i hate lifting weights and find the whole ordeal anxious and boring. Try get some underwater headphones you can rock out too in your ears while swimming, I think it'll help a great deal.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
Good effort with the swimming.

It is a skill and every time you do it you will get better.

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