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Fuzzypinksocks · 26-30, F
Ok boomer

DrWatson · 70-79, M
On the other hand, as a college professor who works with young people, I have come to the conclusion that young people deal with a lot of hardships that my generation did not deal with as much.

They have a higher divorce rate among their parents then I did.
They have a higher suicide rate among their peers than I did.
They have less security about their future economic prospects than I did.
They are faced with higher college debt than my generation did.
They deal with higher rates of mental illness than my generation did.

And....when "I was their age", the older generation was telling my generation that we were spoiled and had not experienced hardship the way they had. They feared the way our country was heading.
I’m speechless! Your username fits you…unfortunately, your words are incredibly misplaced and ignorant.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Them gum-chewing hooligans is headin' straight to Hell, dagnabit!
TrunkZ · 56-60, M
@hunkalove double dagnabit, dammit
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@TrunkZ Darn tootin'!
Good for you! Those kids ought to be congregated in parks and alleys buying drugs or eating fast food.

Heaven forfend they engage in healthy exercise in the fresh air.
Sammykelly · F
Teenagers today aren't all the same some are having a tougher life then you know
Just because you've come across some trouble makers doesn't mean every teen is like that
A lot help their parents their neighbours have better things to do than sit around playing video games
As a teen myself I help my parents nit because I have to but because I want to same for neighbours
As for uphill struggles we all have them one way ir another except many don't blame others for it and try to improve their situation
Apologies to SW for my little pointless rant but just wanted to say it
TrunkZ · 56-60, M
Females skateboarding? The horrors. Best not publicize your community's efforts to stop this or the modern day Kevin Bacon, in a dress, might show up filming Skateloose. 🙄🙄
SnowBlack · 18-21, F
The young people of today are required to know a lot more in order to succeed than their ancestors, and often without the benefit of a real home and 2 parents.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
We have several skateboard parks here in my city, it’s one way to keep them off the streets.
Alison · 18-21, F
OK let's see how long u last online: discord or Twitter is where the action is. This place is tame.
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@msbellows] i totally agree with everything you say . the youung today are a different ball game . i think as well thing are availasble to them like we never had . i suppose the stress they still have to come so are enjoying things . but on the same token with the skateboards there are more safer ad designated areas for the use of skate boards where they are not endangering the general public
Cierzo · M
The young people today do not have it easy at all. Buying or renting a house or flat is increasingly more expensive all over the world. Working conditions are deteriorating. There is less freedom, everything you say or write on social media can backfire. They realise they will live than their parents do unless there are revolts.
That was pretty short sighted, blocking a skate park. At least then, you would know where all the kids were, and what they were doing. Now they'll probably just end up buying some of that evil mari-ju-anna, getting high, and becoming reefer addicts.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
They should have to push a peanut up Pike’s Peak with their nose, that’ll learn them to whine about minor things.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
Today girls are chewing gum and riding skateboards. Tomorrow they might be buying their own homes and cars without even being married to a man to do it for them. The horror. 😏
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@ViciDraco exactly!!!!
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Where do u live. I never see people on skateboards
MsBellows · 61-69, F
@smileylovesgaming you are lucky

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