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It’s my birthday and I’m sad on it

Every year I hate my birthday because it reminds me of how truly alone I am does anyone else ever get sad on birthday?
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lovebcups · 61-69, M
Since my wife passed i am sad on every occasion , every morning through to the night , she was my soul partner and i am in pain without her .
Docdon23 · M
This year I was all alone...wife in hospital after a stroke, kids too far away and busy...I feel you.
Docdon23 · M
@samueltyler2 Yes. Had a couple of rough weeks but now could be moved closer to a rehab facility--but insurance has not approved the move yet so we wait...very difficult. Long drives every day. But she does open her eyes sometime and seem to know who I am...
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Docdon23 i hope there is someone in the hospital fighting for her to get accepted.
Docdon23 · M
@samueltyler2 Yes--I have spent hours and days on the phone and have an advocate, legal experts, medical experts and more working on it. Some of it is just unraveling the exact reasons for insurance decisions. Some are based on outdated information--her situation has improved from three weeks ago. Thank you.
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
Its my birthday too. I used to feel that way as well, but I'm a lot older than you and as the years have gone by, it has basically just become another day now.
Dusty101 · F
I used to, but now I just take it as another day! I think nothing of it, I don't expect anything and I really don't want anything. I learnt how to embrace a new age without it getting me down! I pour the wine, put my feet up, watch a movie and turn off all connection with the outside world! Bliss! And happy birthday! 🎉
twiigss · M
Happy Birthday!

I only ever really get sad around Christmas and New Years. I don't have anyone special to spend the holidays with :(

So right now is my sad time 😢
PrettyTroubles · 26-30, F
@twiigss I hug you
twiigss · M
This is why I don't bother with my birthday. It's just another day and if it weren't for the emails from family or my roommate bringing it up I doubt I'd even notice it's my birthday.
AirForce687 · 36-40, M
When I was a young kid, I always looked forward to my birthday because it was the one day of the year where I would be allowed to get away with not having a bath before going to bed.
Please don't be sad, think of pleasant things and also look towards the future and dream of things you'd love to accomplish to be happy. Even if you're alone, go out and enjoy yourself.... go to an arcade, shop at the mall or watch a movie or buy the food you love. What's important is you celebrate your special day.

Mine is tomorrow and I celebrate it because I'm grateful to be alive.

So I wish you a happy birthday and I wish you happiness 😊
I mostly just forget about mine, the season can generally get everyone down, i think.
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
I sometimes wish that everyone would forget about my birthday
Theyitis · 36-40, M
No, not on my birthday. Even though they’re usually not the people I most want to hear from I always get lots of people posting happy birthday on my Facebook page, and I usually end up doing something with friends that day too. Aren’t you married?
PrettyTroubles · 26-30, F
@Theyitis divorced
AllelujahHaptism · 36-40, M
i feel like that on mine aswell -_-
Happy birthday! And Happy New Year! I'm sorry u r sad and feel alone. I'm here for u if u ever need someone to talk to.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Happy birthday. I get how you feel.

Treat yourself. You deserve to on this day. The reality is we're all alone at the end of the day.
I wouldn't say sad, but they're not some massive cause for celebration. Pretty normal day, with a few edible extras
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
I go away on my birthday. That way no expectations from others. It’s actually peaceful.
firefall · 61-69, M
@Handfull1 thats very smart, I should do that
Zeroyasha · 26-30, M
I feel you, as you get older birthdays become less interesting and become just another boring day. Still Happy Birthday, I would buy you few drinks if I could haha.
no not at all ,,just be glad your still alive,,,my Birth Day was 5 days ago,, I am 81,,still alone,,
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
may your next year bring you peace and understanding of life and self
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Sorry to hear that ! Happy Belated Birthday 🥂
Happy New Year
Collegegirl23 · 31-35, F
We we're born alone and we die alone it's the circle of life
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Collegegirl23 that would be sad.
Sorry to have missed it. Happy Birthday 🎂🎈
jackson55 · M
Nope, just another day. Happy birthday.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Yeah it becomes a reminder of life going by
littlematthew123 · 22-25, M
happy birthday sorry your sad :(
littlematthew123 · 22-25, M
I messaged you before but you never message me back but im still sad your sad caus nobody should be sad on there birthday @littlematthew123
PrettyTroubles · 26-30, F
@littlematthew123 I’m so sorry I get very overwhelmed with messages, hugs! (I still haven’t got to 220 of them).
littlematthew123 · 22-25, M
message me now caus I cant even message you! just cause you never messaged me back@PrettyTroubles
happy birthday though
PrettyTroubles · 26-30, F
Thank you I feel so petty@SW-User
@PrettyTroubles you’re not being petty
firefall · 61-69, M
Yes, pretty much every year
Would you like a friend? I love Capricorns.
PrettyTroubles · 26-30, F
Wishing a belated Happy Birthday 🎂

NatureGuy77 · 56-60, M
Happy birthday!
Welcome to the club.
Happy birthday 🎂🎁
happy birthda y!!!!
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
thanks, tiny bubbles pretty troubles :)

eli1601 · 70-79, M
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Sometimes. It's a common day to reflect on what could have gone better.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I was the year my gf did absolutely nothing to even acknowledge it.
PrettyTroubles · 26-30, F
@uncalled4 yeah everyone forgot me XD
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@PrettyTroubles Happy Birthday no matter!

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