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next General Election

So lets start a post what will the Tories say at the next General Election and lets see who's right

We put 20,000 police on the streets even though they were cut by 22,000

we rolled out the first covid vaccine even though half was done in other countries

we've lowered taxes even though they raised them to the highest ever

it wasn't our fault it was Labours , the EU, the USA, the banks in fact anyone than them

we've started to get the Brexit dividend even though Rushi admitted its not as good as the EU trade deal

we can make our own laws even though we always could

we'll stop the boats, send illegal immigrants back even though austerity they took away staff to process immigrants and have failed to set up safe routes other than from Ukraine and Hong Kong

let's forget about austerity, Brexit, Covid money wasted, contracts given out to companies that never excited, write off the debt from furlough

let's put down socialism unless its conservative socialism
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Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
The bit I don't quite understand is why Labour and Lib Dems are so silent.
Not quiet, silent !

Here you have THE worst Conservative period in office since the (last) Great Depression. Every fiscal policy in dust; every pro-business policy shredded; the love/hate thing with Europe finally resolved (even if Boris and the boys lied their arses off to the public before getting a mandate to withdraw)
You'd think this would be a great opportunity to come up with ideas and ideals and give the nation's an "Onwards and upwards; (can't believe I'm cribbing from Trump here but) make Britain great again ! boost even if it's only rhetoric, at least something voters could SEE.
But here we are weeks from the next election and there's nothing
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@gol979 if that happens we'll start to see minority governments that won't last long.
I think too much is made of 'media power'.
We've seen how untrustworthy it is this is why fewer people than ever read newspapers today, and 24hour rolling television news on days when nothing happens is so full of unnecessary bias it's laughable.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Picklebobble2 I partly understand what your saying about why aren't the opposition parties making more from it all but also a General Election is due so why should they give the tories any ideas to run off with
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Picklebobble2 that is true but after the last couple of years of the tories destroying the economy it can't get any worse

Until the Achilles heal of brexit is acknowledged and admitted that part of the problems we have now is down to it the faster we can sort things out and rebuild
nacnud · 36-40, M
Quite. It's a bit like the whole ULEZ thing in London. Conservatives introduced it and cuts to City Hall funding meant the expansion had to be rolled out faster by the labour major.

If labour committed to PR they would have my vote. Voting should also be lowered to 16 on the basis that if you can work and pay taxes you should have a say on who is in power. That said Conservatives will never have my vote for many reasons. If PR was in place I'd be likely to vote green.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@nacnud yes exactly let alone complete denial of austerity and other policies

I won't ever vote tory after brexit they destroyed everything for them not to pay taxes

yes it should be PR also an elected House of Lords and possibly the same for an Head of State as at the moment the current system they are just figure heads and don't actually stop any new laws
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I'm a Labour Party member so the logical thing for me to do would be to big up my own team.

However (and I would be kicked out of my part for posting this in my own name).

The Labour Party under Starmer is almost equally abysmal. There, I said it.

Falsely slandering Corbyn (a life-linh anti racist campaigner) as an anti Semite.
Selling out on all ten of the ten pledges he was elected on as party leader.
Kicking out thousand of genuine socialist (and enem centre-left) activist on spurious groups
Having almost identical policy positions to the Tories.

All of the above are connected.

I wish it wasn't this bad but it is this bad. We live in a managed democracy run by the wealthy elite and that leadership of both major parties is on board

Much as I agree with the 'fuck the Tories' vibe. This isn't enough if we ever want a better country.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Burnley123 the thing is Labour know as when under TB they have to get the middle ground and sadly thats how they see they can do it this time

to turn the UK around we need to acknowledge brexit all the problems that we have now from it, stop blaming others for the problems we inflicted and start to work to rebuild but until someone does this nothing will change
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@milkymum1 It's not really a centre ground. On policy it's to the right of most people.
Canicu69 · 70-79, M
Never socialism Socialism leads to communism. Do not take the fall
Gloomy · F
@NoThanksLeon When i'm on drugs I sure am but otherwise no
This is a political thread.
Canicu69 · 70-79, M
@Gloomy really, never, only in Vietnam, Venezuela, Hong Kong Cuba and others. Do your research
Gloomy · F
@Canicu69 Those are all socialist countries. You should do your research.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I can't imagine what they could plausibly claim credit for. So I guess the election campaign will be fought on half truths and negative mudslinging.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SunshineGirl lies not even half truths scaremongering playing people off against each other
Barny52 · 56-60, M
Their big vote catcher will be stop immigration voters are obsessed with immigration and blame all our problems on a few 1000 not government
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Barny52 well put its amazing how all the problems are put on to people with nothing or are struggling

No doubt more device's politics too from the tories playing people off against workers unemployed pensioners
@milkymum1 Divide and rule yet again. Pit low paid workers against the unemployed, the unemployed against the disabled, the disabled against single mothers, single mothers against refugees, all fuelled by the right wing media, and you have the perfect recipe for the tories to stay in power WE MUST RESIST THIS!
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@autumngirl27 yes it is exactly that and sadly some still will fall for it as its already started
ArtieKat · M
Why are you so worried what the Government will or won't claim? According to current polling Labour would have about a 200 majority in a General Election.
@ArtieKat You're right. I was born in 1997 so I have no chance of remembering. I think Mum might have had other things to think about at the time, too :).
ArtieKat · M
@autumngirl27 It was a time of great optimism. I, for one, was very saddened when Blair turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, no different to any of the other lying politicians. If I was cynical before that - believing since my teens in the old adage that it doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always gets in - Blair's sellout convinced me.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@ArtieKat to start a debate to see what could be said and that at the moment yes Labour look like they will win but we need more than just an inherited win
Convivial · 26-30, F
You left out the latest life time peer Boris made lol
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Convivial oh yes the 30 yr old
It's quite unclear who's side you are on.
@milkymum1 Well I'll be voting Labour but almost solely because I am a Keynesian economist believer.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@BritishFailedAesthetic where i live itw good as at least we get a good choice who to vote for unlike some places
@milkymum1 Same!

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