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Everyone despises Bill Cosby and Woody Allen now. One day new audiences will rediscover their brilliance.

Keep in mind Charlie Chaplin was once loathed, too.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP Best Comment
Selective outrage..
why do the crucify the odd celeb when they’re all freaks..


cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Most of Hollywood entertainers have participated in sexual activities that are illegal. That is the way they join “The Club” and get controlled by their masters in Hollywood. The music and sports industry is not so innocent either.

Ya got me and everyone else.

Trump and his entire family - maybe not Melania - forever!
@SW-User Here's the funny thing, BinBiden's children are all severely dysfunctional, YET Trump's children are all happy and get along well with each other.

I'm going to nod in agreement. Will this make you stop?
Hopefully new audiences will also discover exactly what kind of people they’re thinking of admiring and turn elsewhere.

Solid lawyers defend the irredeemably corrupt every day in civilized countries every day of the week.
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I don't understand why you choose to recede - if I'm so vile and it's so obvious have at it!
Carla · 61-69, F
Brilliance dulled by abhorrent behavior.
Both of those men were entertainers. Chaplin too. Nothing they did changed the world. But the things they did ruined lives. That leaves little to celebrate.

No one loves a deviant save their families. Are you a deviant by any stretch?
Only if society regresses to the point that predatory behavior is celebrated again. Charlie Chaplin’s behavior with underaged girls would likely be more than "loathed"; it would probably land him in jail now.

Would this discussion - if explored honestly - divulge family secrets best left unsaid? Who's ancestry is without incestuous or other sexual "sins"? Why must our true nature be automatically dismissed as evil? Have humans always thought this way?
@SW-User I guess it depends on one’s perspective. If you’re a kid being raped by an adult, can’t leave, they won’t stop and you’re unlikely to be believed by the other adults, I find it difficult to classify that as anything but evil. 😞

I like to think that’s not everyone’s "true nature".

You guess? Of course you don't "guess". You're making a point that seems obvious to you but will not seem that obvious to everyone.

Why does any society have laws? You know why and so does everyone with a functioning brain. Humans, when left to their own devices, will do - and have done - the unspeakable.
Micro · 36-40, M
Also, Charlie Chaplin's passing was overshadowed by Elvis Presley's passing.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I’m still in denial about Dr Huxtable.
Frostcloud · F
i wouldnt call rape brilliant
Zonuss · 41-45, M
Not really. People went to Bill Cosbys show after he was released. Woody Allen's movies are still being watched. And even after January 6, people still like Donald Trump. So anyway life goes on. ☺️
Except that Chaplin was loathed by J. Edgar Hoover for calling out his anti Semitism, he wasn't a rapist or pedophile.

Then why be angry? Help me understand your point of view.
@SW-User I told you in previous replies

You've been victimized. I'm not minimizing that. But many of us have, too. Perhaps to a lesser degree.
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Crimes of nature? Crimes of who we are?
When did crimes become crimes?

I'm not adjudicating... I want to know when all these rules were established. And - - why God set it up this way.
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Nothing whatsoever. God gave us the too-complex-for-our-own-good brain didn't He for no one else's enjoyment but His own. Who does He have to answer to?

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