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If you were a waiter and a customer was being rude,would you spit in their food?lol

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No. I would implore the manager to escort the Neanderthal from the premises.
lillyd · F
What goes around comes around
lillyd · F
If that's a Kipling reference then yes it's probably similar lol
zayngal · 26-30, F
@LillyD: yeah its the Rudyard Kipling thing haha
lillyd · F
@zayngal: 🙂
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Never. That's really disgusting and anyone who does that should be fired for it.
Lolco · 36-40, M
I was worried about that this morning 😂😂😂 & iwasnt ruse at all but the cook seemed to be bothered by me asking to make my sandwich hot 👿😂
Id never work in the food industry
zayngal · 26-30, F
@theoneyouwerewarnedabout: haha thats nice
Diyanne · F
No.... Becoz they have CCTV 😁
no, karma will take care of it
No. There's no justification for that.
olderguy2016 · 70-79, M
do u do?
zayngal · 26-30, F
@olderguy2016: no
olderguy2016 · 70-79, M
@zayngal: ok..what u do in life..can we pm
zayngal · 26-30, F
@olderguy2016: I'm a student
Goralski · 56-60, M
And visine in drink
lillyd · F
@Goralski: if you do that and the recipient dies of a heart attack you're up for murder
olderguy2016 · 70-79, M
no..did you have done it
zayngal · 26-30, F
@olderguy2016: i just thought of it in my mind but i will never do that
no, that is soooo disgusting I'd hope if anyone did that that they would be caught and fired.
Lolco · 36-40, M
No, but I will be really pissed
curvylover · 46-50, M
No. Would spit in their azz... oh yes and take the food from them. :p

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