Spoiledbrat · F
Sometimes I don't ask for an opinion but I get one anyway.
dark548 · M
Atleast youre self aware 🤔
aspirational · 56-60, M
Actually, most people I've found to have this mindset are so far from self aware they couldn't find it if it punched them in the nuts.
dark548 · M
@aspirational: they need to get woke lol
LukeTheDuke · M
Teach me oh wise one🖖🏼
Ynotjenn · F
Seems legit to me 🙄
Coyotedave611 · M
Go away Donald Trump, this is a fake social site.LOL
aspirational · 56-60, M
well played. ;)
bijouxbroussard · F
Lol, oh dear. But in a nutshell, that's how many think.
aspirational · 56-60, M
Right? And trying to engage them in a discussion/debate with logic and reason ALWAYS ends in ad hominem stupidity.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Eat poop
aspirational · 56-60, M