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Ever puke in public?

This happened to me this morning 🤢 Embarrassing as hell! 😏
SW-User Best Comment
Yeah it is, people think you're drunk. I had meds that would make me throw up randomly, that really sucked.
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
Finally someone who understands lol.

BondGirl84 · 36-40, F
in a bathroom stall during a nite out - does that count? Actually i was asked to leave a bar once cos i got too drunk & I was throwing up - i missed the bowl & the vomit went everywhere - i managed to clean it up but i just left the bathroom & a random girl was talking to the bouncer, once she saw me she told him 'yea that's her!' he told me to leave then! lol
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
@BondGirl84: Oh you will be well protected alright.. I'll just pull a bomb from my shoe and blow that a** up 🍸
BondGirl84 · 36-40, F
@ShakenNotStirred: good good i will strap a very girly gun to my thigh just for the hell of it!
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
@BondGirl84: Allow me to assist 🌹
how does that happen? you're a grown man
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
So you have never had a sudden puke just happen without warning?😕
smiler2012 · 56-60
shakennotstirred when I was with my mate once [ alcohol induced of course ]
Not since I was a kid!

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