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Are you ever so lazy you can't be asked to do the simplest thing?

Like turn off the light or put your phone on charge. That's all the time for me 😂
FurryFace · 61-69, M
at your age , Lazyness Pfft ! yeah right , you should be bouncing off the walls maybe walking on the ceiling too , energy wise anyway , more like your mind is everywhere
lizzie · 22-25, F
Nope I've been lazy my whole life, not the most helpful quality I have but... : P
FurryFace · 61-69, M
ManicMicah · 26-30, M
Sometimes I get too lazy at night I won't even get out of bed to grab my medicine that's supposed to help me fall asleep.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
after blood pressure medicine it's everything i can do to get up and pee on my own.

eh... too much work.
SharonW · F
Maybe you have a lazy gene, in which case it's not your fault 😉
morbidraccoon · 31-35, M
bad bad bad! life is action! >:L
lizzie · 22-25, F
For you maybe, not for me 😏

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