666Maggotz · F
You should have asked me when I was 14.
LegendDairy · 100+, F
@666Maggotz I'm not down for grooming little boys on the internet, but I'll take that under advisement 👌
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
I see people getting hurt on SW all the time. It's par for the course. It strengthens character and all that. Good luck.
LegendDairy · 100+, F
@Wraithorn Got me out gettin emotional gainz 💪💪
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
I only like graphics for their own sake, not as a memes to an end 😉
LegendDairy · 100+, F
@Zaphod42 Eyyyyy I see whatcha did there *finger guns* 😎
silentkillx2 · F
aw 😂