Duck duck go... Yes still call it googling. Might change it to I'm just gonna duck and go that...

@MushroomFaerie Call it duck duck going

Rarely use other engines. I was originally an AltaVista man myself. I just call it searching
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Yup, it is like saying Kleenex or a Xerox even though it isn't what we use!
Pineapple · 100+, F
i never use bing... i don’t know of anybody who uses bing

Why would anyone use bing voluntarily?
Anyways, I'd call it binging.
Anyways, I'd call it binging.
Starz93 · F
Nah.. binging! Jk .. googling .. jk.. I call it browsing.
Fernie · F
I never Bing...I only Google.
Scubaguy027 · 46-50, M
On the rare occasion on use it yes
GLITTER · 36-40, F
No, because I would never use bing 😑
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SandInMyShoes · 41-45, F
Does anyone use Bing?

Whoever uses bing?

Honeylove · 46-50, F
Don't use Bing
JoeXP · 56-60, M
Using Bing? Who on earth uses Bing!