I ran a little while ago and I shouldn't have. I should have stood my ground. Next time, it won't happen, because there won't be a next time. 😌
kutee · 22-25
i never run, i stand and take the consequences
Theriverdreams · 18-21, F
From my mum when my dog ate the pillow she had been sewing on we ran and far
last week running to catch the train
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
boklenholley7 · F
Not so seriously: My roommate trying to tickle me.
Seriously: a guy who was on some serious drugs and came to my place of work. It really freaked me out so when I saw him again I ran.
Seriously: a guy who was on some serious drugs and came to my place of work. It really freaked me out so when I saw him again I ran.

Currently...running from, avoiding my online stalker *sigh*
Block, block, block, block, block...get's old. 😒
Block, block, block, block, block...get's old. 😒
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
treadmill technically on it
