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Worst thing you have ever been called?

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BrandNewMan · M Best Comment
Racist .. on sole basis I am white
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
@BrandNewMan I have that happen a lot on just the skin color like you said. It's not cool or nice
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Anti social.
For bringing a series of photos from our house to a meeting and talking about how the men went back three decades but the average age of the "women" was still about 21, maybe 22.
I was never accepted by the rest of the women after Gregory called me "anti social" for doing it. Gregory was a lady - she died of cancer and the group sings sad songs about her - but they don't talk to me or answer the phone. It's still sad, two decades later!
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@HumanEarth Lol I should have been more specific-post June 2015 Republican. I'm not necessarily anti-conservative to be clear.
HumanEarth · F
That's okay, I'm Anti liberal/conservative I don't like either side. I would make a great ref
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
Late to dinner!😆😂🤣
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
@Guardian no sir lmao
slorollin · 41-45, M
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
@MyNameIsHurl wow really,
Ducky · 31-35, F
Useless, but form someone I care about . They apologized afterwards, but it still hurt hearing that from them.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
A real piece of work ( by my sister ).
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@WowwGirl I guess you enjoy sleeping?
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
@therighttothink50 no look up woke
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Actually worse, but I wanted to use this.

Lilymoon · F
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
@ShenaniganFoodie that is bad
HumanEarth · F

That one stings.
@HumanEarth Worse still when it's by your spouse...
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
HumanEarth · F
That was my ex s trademark move for. When they were the ones cheating and emptying bank accounts behind my back
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
a half breed pagan
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
@KingofBones1 that's not nice
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@WowwGirl No it really wasn't and it was by somebody that I trusted with my personal details and they later used them against me

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