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Musk Spreading Russian Propaganda

Apparently there is some false information going around on the internet. Strange, I know. But here is an evidence based clip which explains why the rubbish spreading about USAID and celebrities is false.


I'm hoping that viewers outside the UK will be directed to the .com version.
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
It's no secret that Russia has a very sophisticated Official Lies Department, and is more likely to support Presiden Trump than anyone else in the USA, so this is not at all suprising.

The BBC would have been better not to have used an American presenter though. Apart from far too many American voices on the BBC generally anyway, and its slavish following of the Presidenetial election campaign, I can see that being treated by some in America as "obviously" anti-Trump propaganda posing as if from the BBC!

Umpteen million views on X, eh? I wonder how that could possibly have happened? Surely it's not possible for sites like X to have a "View" generator, is it? Or maybe they are genuine but where are the majority of its readers?

I also wonder if it's possible to make posts on the Internet display their country of origin.....
@ArishMell Except that doesn't even ad up. Powerful countries with serious intelligence agencies do very specific things to achieve very specific outcomes.

That is the complete opposite of "be a random troll on the internet and hope the chaos does something we like."

I mean there are legit reasons to have an issue with USAID and NED. No idea why Trump is not a fan. But both organizations are offshoots of the CIA. That is why they were created.

A former director said they were created to do what the CIA can't. And to basically hide the ball when it comes to stirring up shit in other countries.

Britain is absolutely a belligerent in this proxy conflict. Not even the MOD denies that at this point and neither do the Americans. Are we seriously going to play 2014 silly games and pretend this all just came out of nowhere?

And your twisted logic doesn't change the facts. Yes UK personel are on the ground in Ukraine and have fired shots in anger. Those fancy cruise missiles? They require British, American, French etc military personel to enter the targeting data and the sattelite info. Those are state secrets and all of those countries handing that information over to a Ukrainian to do is literally illegal. In the UK I believe it is the Official Secrets Act.

But you don't even need to play that game. American soldiers in Vietnam were "advisors" for years before they got a label change.

I referenced 4chan because that is literally the level of nonsense here.

4chan are not really related to Qnon but have been about spreading mischief and chaos online. Their suspected involvement in Qanon is because that sort of nonsense is the sort of thing these people find funny.

It varies from illegal hacking, to "lets see what dumb shit we can convince people of online, to doxxing someone to send them 200 pizzas.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow What Trump does within the USA is you Americans' business but the USA's foreign policies have considerable effects around the world.

There are foreign troops in Ukraine, yes, but not officially by government action, and not only British. One who is, was interviewed on the radio today. He explained the Ukrainians have a "foreign legion" of volunteers who have chosen to go there by their own initiative. The UK's Foreign & Commonwealth Office does try to advise people not to go, but has no more power to stop them than it does to send them.

France has now started sending fighter planes but I do not know if pilots are supplied or if the French aair-force trained Ukrainian pilots in France. (As Britain trained Ukrainian tank crews here in England.)

However, can you clarify your stance on Ukraine? You imply that you support Russia's action.
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AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I’m glad to learn from you that my tax dollars are being used responsibly . All those lies about how USAID spent the money is frustrating. They are all lies right ?
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
@AthrillatheHunt I think there's a chance for the courts to examine the legality and reasons for the suspension of USAID next week. It will be an interesting watch.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@FreddieUK not one politician or media outlet is disputing how the money was spent . Orange chose this as one of his first fights bc it’s a slam dunk. Same w deporting criminals .
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@FreddieUK Usaid was created via EO by jfk. It can be shut down by EO
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
Yes, part of the people caught in the corruption, then writing their own article on it… Very believable. Like when a murderer with their prints all over the weapon says listening to music, playing a video game, or reading a book made them do it. So really it’s someone else’s fault and not their own.

These tales are now just becoming ludicrously laughable against the surmounting evidence that continues to pile up.

USAID was unlawfully distributing money to places like bbc to write slanderous articles just like that. It’s all in the evidence. It’s all in the collected reports and the money trails. To no one’s surprise as everyone’s

If anything, your own post here shows that their agenda of illegally pumping hundreds of billions into these falsely driven, one sided narratives only hurts their case against themselves even more.

You posting this as if it’s a defense, and not incriminating against themselves and everyone else involved is just sweet delicious irony. Edifying their obvious guilt. As well as proving their means to an end, that the hopeful brainwashing works on the likes of you and your ilk…

Enjoy your cope I guess… Even if it’s hilarious at this point.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@AuRevoir From where are you writing? Venezuala? Russia?
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meJess · F
Unfortunately the BBC has been caught producing biased reporting too many times to be a reliable source.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@FreddieUK Patience? It's not a novel!

I don't see that bias in favour of, essentially, the British constitution; but since it works within the country it is hardly going to oppose it. Though clearly it would tacitly support such democracy for allowing the freedom to be an impartial public-service broadcaster.
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
@ArishMell Sorry, I have re-read my post and realise I was ambiguous. It was not patience to read your post that I lacked, it was patience to write such a detailed response. I read it all and am pleased you went to that trouble.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@FreddieUK OK_ Thankyou! No offence taken!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
BBC was getting funding from USAID. Do try harder to get better sources.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@FreddieUK Yeah it does. Maybe you have a logic problem. Whether it is income tax or licensing fees or sales tax or road tax it doesn't matter. It is still filtered through the government. Only the dullards can't grasp that concept.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@FreddieUK Oh and according to government sources here in Canada - Global Affairs Canada sponsored the BBC to the tune of 1.7 Million dollars as well. Not nearly as much as USAID did but nevertheless just one more reason that the Canadian took down the Global Affairs website yesterday. Can't have the plebes knowing where their tax money is going.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@FreddieUK money never exerts influence. To think so would be crazy. Lol
Okay! Just talk about Musk and the illegal power grab like it's difficult, you're fighting against it! Then you lose a few, cast doubt on the future - then you accept the illegal power grab and the Dems will share power with it. It's already done
Actually this seems just as likely to be a US information warfare plant.

Get people chasing their tails over this, "debunk" it and the less inquisitive will just assume any other embarrassing information coming out of USAID is fake.

Nevermind that USAID and NED were created as offshoots of the CIA.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
no one is interested in more bbc propaganda...

wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@FreddieUK again, not interested... might as well be www.morelamebullshit.co.uk
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
@wildbill83 OK No debate...no commenting on my posts.
TexChik · F
@wildbill83 If socialists write it, it must be accurate. 🙄
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
Yep, the entire GOP and their political action committees have been utilizing Russian propaganda frequently since at least 2016.
Softy1 · M
Earmarks of Russian disinformation like Hunter’s laptop?
Dude .. you are from the UK! Quit trying to subvert US govt and politics with your constant B.S.

Be thankful you don't have to speak German .. and mind YOFB.
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
@BrandNewMan Like it or not, the politics of the US is important to the whole world. It's all our business. But you don't have to read my or anyone else's posts if they upset you.
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TexChik · F
SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
@TexChik I understand. It's tough when you realise you're no longer top dog.
TexChik · F
@SpudMuffin If there is a dog in the room, its gotta be you mr socialist brit. Face it, your media is no longer being paid to float propaganda, so the truth will come out. I realize you brits don't believe in freedom of speech, which is one reason we kicked you back across the pond.
Elon is gonna revoke your reverse secret govt social meda troll funding
TexChik · F
So says the socialist Brit. You just learned what you read or heard on the news was paid for socialist propaganda. The tired old RUSSIA nonsense is long past its shelf life and was never proven...only lied about.
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
@TexChik OK Stop now.
TexChik · F
@FreddieUK You didn't hear the mic drop? Bye.
TexChik · F
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FreddieUK · 70-79, M
@DonaldTrumpet You've missed the point. I've swallowed nothing of Elon's, but thanks for your helpful comment.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@FreddieUK U WelCUMz HuNz
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FreddieUK · 70-79, M
@Castenmas Might cause less harm that way.
@Castenmas and where's your space and EV companies if you think Elon is doing such a mediocre job

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