ArishMell Except that doesn't even ad up. Powerful countries with serious intelligence agencies do very specific things to achieve very specific outcomes.
That is the complete opposite of "be a random troll on the internet and hope the chaos does something we like."
I mean there are legit reasons to have an issue with USAID and NED. No idea why Trump is not a fan. But both organizations are offshoots of the CIA. That is why they were created.
A former director said they were created to do what the CIA can't. And to basically hide the ball when it comes to stirring up shit in other countries.
Britain is absolutely a belligerent in this proxy conflict. Not even the MOD denies that at this point and neither do the Americans. Are we seriously going to play 2014 silly games and pretend this all just came out of nowhere?
And your twisted logic doesn't change the facts. Yes UK personel are on the ground in Ukraine and have fired shots in anger. Those fancy cruise missiles? They require British, American, French etc military personel to enter the targeting data and the sattelite info. Those are state secrets and all of those countries handing that information over to a Ukrainian to do is literally illegal. In the UK I believe it is the Official Secrets Act.
But you don't even need to play that game. American soldiers in Vietnam were "advisors" for years before they got a label change.
I referenced 4chan because that is literally the level of nonsense here.
4chan are not really related to Qnon but have been about spreading mischief and chaos online. Their suspected involvement in Qanon is because that sort of nonsense is the sort of thing these people find funny.
It varies from illegal hacking, to "lets see what dumb shit we can convince people of online, to doxxing someone to send them 200 pizzas.