The spray paint they're using required oil to produce. Not to mention that the hammer, backpack, glasses, clothes, etc... these protesters have at one point or another were manufactured on a machine that required the use of oil in either their materials or production process. These children, who have basically just discovered the matches so to speak, are in the initial stage of learning to be ignorant hypocrites. Here's another example...
@PatKirby Their education on this comes from the “professor of saving the planet, fossil fuels are bad 101” must be Leonardo Di Caprio. He went on similar rants some time back, verbally, not running around destroying property.
Hundreds of millions of ppl are gonna die from global warming, and yet this entire comments section seems more afraid for these precious little gas pumps. I wonder how y'all will feel about these kinds of attention-grabbing protests in retrospect, when we start running out of food.
@BlueVeins just so your post does not have the “ lemming effect” on some not sure about climate change, once known as global warming: But if that is what you believe, it’s your right to do so.
@SW-User The point of these demonstrations isn't really to make the protesters look good, so much as to force the urgency of global warming back to the forefront of people's minds.
Please take off that hi viz vest, and those training shoes. They are made with petrochemicals. Don’t use any form of transport, oil is a lubricant. Don’t use electricity, plastics include petrochemicals. Don’t get me started on your markers and paint sprays.
The Armish would be able to demonstrate about oil, anyone else is a hypocrite.
@PatKirby i just cant believe that with all the information available on the internet, these kids dont have ANY idea how this all functions. Or that attacking the little guy is gonna make one spot of difference to the decisions at the top. General Humanity is getting stoopider.😔
@OogieBoogie Exactly. The level of ignorance, one-track mindedness, and delusion is an order of magnitude beyond idiocy. It's those rose-tinted glasses I tell you! Reminds me of the movie Idiocracy.